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Thursday, 22 May 2008
Cook is AI Winner!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Television

Yes, I almost jumped out of my seat when they announced David Cook as the winner of AI last night!  I did sort of scream "Yay!" Then I turned to my husband and said, "ok, so I did care!" (see previous post!)  Winner by 12 million votes?!  Somehow I really don't think Ryan needed to announce that.  He could have told David Cook later but I don't think David Cook really wanted to know either. I also wanted to stand up and applaud Simon after he apologized to David Cook for being too hard on him the previous night.  However, in one online report I read, I do wonder if Clive Davis really was looking forward to an Archuletta win - more marketable is probably what Davis thought.  That might explain certain behaviors from the judges the night before.  But then again - Simon knows his own mind & I doubt he would "roll over" just because Clive Davis asked him to promote little David more.  So it was a great AI ending!  Can't wait for Cook's first CD! 

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:34 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Did You Vote for David?
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Television
I didn't even vote last night (American Idol).  Normally, I'm voting for at least the first 30 minutes but I've decided that whichever David wins the AI crown this year - both of them will be ok.  If they both recorded CDs and I had to choose, I'd definitely buy David Cook's.  Throughout the season he showed his versatility - rock, ballads, corny "pop", not to mention how nice he seems.  The younger David is technically & vocally very good, but I think he needs some life experiences behind him.  As I commented last week on Entertainment Weekly's column, when David A. sang the Dan Fogelberg song - technically he was the best BUT . . . I could not believe him when he sang about a love so deep, yada yada yada.  I don't believe he's ever felt that way so the song was as Simon would say "totally unbelievable".  But I believed David Cook on almost every song he sang this season.  Now whether his fans over voted the teeny-bopper Archuletta fans remains to be seen.  We'll all find out tonight and in about a year, we'll see who has the better selling CD.  Two words - remember Daughtry?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:42 AM CDT
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Monday, 19 May 2008
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Weather

So the weather forecast for the next few days says it's supposed to be a little over 90!  It's not even June yet!  I was really hoping we'd have a mild summer, sort of like last year.  At least by mid-afternoon yesterday there was a breeze blowing so when Photographer Daughter and I were outside with the boys, we sort of stayed cool.  Think her legs either got real hot or sunburned through her jeans.  I stayed in the shade.

Yesterday morning at church they honored the 2 high school and one college graduate that we have.  The college grad wasn't there but my Senior Daughter and the other high school grad was there.  They both looked really pretty (yes, Senior Daughter actually wore a dress to church - first time since middle school!)

They also received college scholarships from our Women's Group.  Hey, every little bit helps!  Afterwards was a cake reception for the grads.  Unfortunately there were about 3 different things going on with 3 different groups of people - some had a board meeting, some had a teacher's luncheon & then those who stayed for the cake & refreshments.  I was in charge of serving refreshments and it looked like Darling Husband and I were going to take our gang to lunch so I wasn't up for hanging out as long as we could there to wait on people to eat their cookies or cake.  So I made sure everyone knew that was it & started putting stuff away.  We went to a really cool restaurant in a neighboring town.  They have a "50's" style - the decorations, menu, music, etc.  The food is really hot when it gets to you (no sitting under a heat lamp!) and good.  We all chowed down & then headed back to the house. 

Let me tell you, by 9:30 last night I just couldn't keep my eyes opened so I headed to bed.  I think Senior Daughter will start painting her room this week as she & DH ran to the "Blue" home store to pick up paint. 

That's it from my world - how was your's this weekend?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:25 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 May 2008
Open Letter to CBS
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Television

Dear The Powers That Be at CBS:

Once again, you got me sucked into a drama and reward me by YANKING it off the air!  Gee, didn’t you try the same approach with “Jericho”?  I thought I learned my lesson after that stunt, but I guess I’m a slow learner.  Forget it!  You can put the best drama on next season, with the best actors and actresses, and I am NOT going to watch it.  Because I know that as soon as I get involved, work my schedule around watching it, find the episodes engaging – then – it’ll get the axe. 

Yes, I’m talking about “Moonlight”.  And it has now been turned into dust.  Maybe the CW or Fox will come along and re-boot it on their network.  Maybe the fans will send CBS enough fake blood to rival the nuts sent from “Jericho” fans. 

I’m asking you to please stick with comedies.  Seems to be mostly what you are good at.  Many of them last a long time!  It was even on your network that history was made during the finale of “M*A*S*H”.  I guess I thought that since all of your daytime dramas seem have a corner on the Daytime Emmy market – that just once, CBS would have a winner with a primetime drama.  Just wishful thinking on my part. 

No, I won’t be boycotting the products of the sponsors of “Moonlight”. It’s not their fault that you didn’t invest enough PR to get the show watched by viewers.  Not once did I hear of the principals of the show appearing on any news or talk shows to promote it.  You sort of dropped the ball on that one. 


Do you need PR people?  Is that the issue?  I’m sure there are lots of candidates who would be happy to have a job promoting wonderful primetime dramas. 

Good luck in future endeavors – you’re really going to need it!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:38 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 7:40 AM CDT
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Where I've been OR Tripod Ate My Stuff!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Blogging


I typed this wonderful post called “What My Mother Taught Me” last Friday in honor of Mother’s Day.  Filled with humor and love – BUT when I told Tripod to “publish” – I got the page that appears when you aren’t logged in to the internet like “you stupid fool, you need to connect for it to work!”  so I hit refresh.  And you know what happened?  It took me back to the blog – without the new post!  UGH! 


Earlier last week I was having difficulty so I thought it might be due to the fact I had very limited space left in my account which is why I deleted one of my photo albums.  Then I had plenty of space.  Is Tripod just being touchy lately?  As my sister would say “What IS the deal?”


All I know – I really don’t want to have to move this blog again!  I may start posting identical posts to my “Wendy’s Wonders” blog – now that it is allowing me back in to post.  (see link to the left under "My Other Stuff")


So did all of the Mom’s have a good Mother’s Day?  Did your family treat you to breakfast, lunch or dinner (or all three)?  Did you get the pampering you so deserve? 


Posted by wendylittrell at 7:32 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 7:38 AM CDT
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Friday, 9 May 2008
Summer Movies
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Movies

Looks like a bunch of decent movies are being released this summer.  Have you picked what you will go see?  Or do you go to a movie each week - no matter what?  Do you like to see movies that are "blockbusters" or maybe ones that are critically acclaimed (more than likely blockbusters and ones the critics love are NOT the same!).

Here's what I would like to see this summer:

Ironman (have 2 males in the house who are chomping at the bit to see it!)

The Dark Knight

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Wall-E (looks cute enough for First Grader to enjoy)

Narnia: Prince Caspian

Hancock (Hey it's a Will Smith movie right before the 4th of July!)

X-Files 2 (Need I say more?)

Mummy 3

We'll see if we can see most of these at the theater.  Last summer I thought there were enough decent movies coming out to go to the movies quite a bit - unforunately between the price of tickets and scheduling - that didn't work out too well!


Posted by wendylittrell at 6:54 AM CDT
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Monday, 5 May 2008
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Blogging

Remember how I moaned & groaned about my other blog not letting me get in so I can post?  Well, for some odd reason (probably because google likes me now - who knows?!) - I can get into it now.  I still won't do much over there - BUT . . .

Google Adsense is now running Ads on my site.  For every click I get $$ - I don't know yet if you can just click all day from one ISP or not - but hey, it never hurts to try!

Besides - you never know what kind of good stuff is waiting behind door number 1, 2 or 3!  Give it a try (& help the cause!)

Go to:


Posted by wendylittrell at 3:38 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 3:42 PM CDT
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In Pictures
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: family

Here's the pictures from First Grader's Birthday last week!

It was an "Ironman" birthday!  Think I should have gotten an Ironman toy for First Grader's Papa as they both wanted to play with it! 

Speaking of the new celluloid Superhero - have you seen the movie yet?  Senior Daughter saw it on Friday evening & said it was awesome.  Reviews seem good and the movie had a great opening weekend.  I did hear a rumor - but I won't tell you what - just wait until the credits are over before leaving!




Posted by wendylittrell at 7:25 AM CDT
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*** UPDATED **** An Early Mother's Day!
Mood:  happy
Topic: holidays

Yes, next Sunday is Mother's Day - but I received a very unexpected early Mother's Day.  Photographer daughter brought me this big, beautiful bouquet of PURPLE daisies!  Have I mentioned that purple is my favorite color?  I hadn't ever seen purple daisies before!  Unfortunately the flash on my camera doesn't do them justice but when I do download my pictures, I will share! *****

She also gave me 2 very sweet and touching cards!  It's equally heartwarming when I get a "Nana" card!  Couldn't find them when I was a young girl for my grandmother, and they are still a little hard to find.

Then, awhile back, I posted this about my favorite movie and when I opened the gift Photographer daughter gave me - there it was!!!  Yes, I screamed (I was in my office . . . at church!).  Then I almost knocked her down by giving her a big hug!  Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou! 

And how was your weekend?

**** Here is a picture!  It was taken by Photographer Daughter!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:03 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 3:10 PM CDT
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Sunday, 4 May 2008
Mood:  cool
Topic: Blogging

Yesterday I had a horrible time trying to get into this blog or do anything with my tripod account.  Not sure if it was tripod or what.  If you had problems getting in - then I'm guessing it was a tripod thing.  Anyway by yesterday late afternoon everything seemed ok.

If you go looking for the "regular" photo album of photos I had on tripod, I've deleted it.  The amount of space was almost maxed out & since I'm not upgrading to a pay account, thought it was best to delete them.  I'll figure something else out - maybe put them on my photobucket or go to picasa or something.

Have a great day!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:46 AM CDT
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