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Alice Cooper Concert
Things to Do
Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Still Here - Just Busy!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End
Topic: home

So now it's Post - Graduation and you'd think I have time now to get things done.  Not necessarily so!  One of my goals through this summer is to document and scan in a lot of the old photos and letters and other documents I have in my possession.  Last week I managed to scan in about 100 photographs and 8 months worth of letters that my grandparents wrote to my parents from Germany. 

We also got to enjoy an evening with friends on Saturday evening.  There are a total of four of us couples who get together periodically -there used to be five.  We lost the wife almost two years ago and her husband passed away this past December.  So the few times we've been together since then, we always drink a toast or remember them in some way.  We've all been friends about ten years and have gone through many things together.  Things that have bonded us and made our ties to each other stronger. 

In weather related news - only one word - HOT!  At least when we got a little (& that truly is an understatement!) rain last week, it cooled things down for the evenings. 

In shopping news - I understand how easy it is to order stuff on-line.  But I really don't want to order clothing over the web. I want to see it, touch it & try it on first. Oh, I know it's easy to return items (for the most part) - it's just the effort you have to put in.  Re-packaging the merchandise, taking it to the Post Office, and usually paying for shipping.  And make sure you put all the proper paperwork inside as well. 

The grandsons played in the sprinkler on Sunday afternoon.  Photographer daughter bought the cutest sprinkler system.  The two boys had a great time!  They were so cute.  Unfortunately it was just way too hot to be outside for longer than we were. 

If I'm not here, I'm at the other place -

All My Branches Genealogy Blog. Come and say hi!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:44 AM CDT
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Monday, 9 June 2008
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Harry Potter - Chamber of Secrets
Topic: family

Yesterday College Bound Daughter (formerly known as Senior Daughter) graduated!  So now I can let you all know what I've been working on!  I had made each of the kids a DVD of pictures a few years ago so I updated CBD's with pictures from the last few years and had that playing during her grad party.  I also have been working on her scrapbook - I got pretty carried away & it turned out to be HUGE!  I found that it was too thick for the original album so had to go find another one that could be expanded to what I needed.  Then I discovered that none of the page protectors would fit in the new one (posts were slightly different than the holes) so had to transfer all the pages into new page protectors!  I also made a photo book of all of her "large" school pictures - what else was I going to do with them?  Then I had all of her senior photo proofs frames and set out as well as the larger framed pictures.  My husband put all her competition medals in a shadowbox so we could display that too.  The displays turned out lovely and thanks to my sister, we had the room and tables decorated really good.  I hope CBD had a good day and enjoyed the party.  Graduation itself was shorter than I thought it would be.  With 745 kids graduating plus all the speeches (which they limited to 2 minutes!) we were all done in 90 minutes.  Then we had to wait until our daughter found us, posed for pictures and then the travel time back home to pick up everything else for the party. 

Here's a great shot of CBD in her cap and gown after graduation!

Isn't she beautiful!







    Photo Table                                                                                                                             Scrapbook/Memorabilia Table

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:31 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 9 June 2008 7:47 AM CDT
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Friday, 6 June 2008
Sorry - Blog Name Taken
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: some weird kids' show on PBS with a Pig & Duck (?)
Topic: Blogging
So in my post below I mentioned that "random ramblings" would make a good blog name.  Well, I discovered that there is already such an animal.  It is a Genealogy blog - however if you are interested in what they are rambling randomly about - go check it out here: Random Ramblings. That's all . . .

Posted by wendylittrell at 12:12 PM CDT
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Misspellings, Misfortune & Other Dumb Luck!
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Blogging

As my daughter pointed out in my previous post - I can't spell "August" at all!  Consider it my brain working faster than my fingers!  I should have checked all the spelling before posting but I didn't!  Oh well - we have a new month now - AUUGUST!  It's a good thing that's not my name (yeah, that's what my Dad wanted to name me - only spelled the right way!)  No one knows why - I wasn't even born in August! 

So with yesterday being the last day of school, I figured I'd be able to complete stuff I needed to have done for Sunday - that also included getting most of the food stuff & punch ingredients for the grad party - as well as picking up some last minute decoration stuff.  I did go to the store but when I got home I had an emergency I had to handle so with the groceries still in the UNAIRCONDITIONED vehicle, I went to go pick someone up.  I wasn't really sure where I was going & what the deal was.  I was clock watching since Soon to Be 2nd Grader was getting out of school early.  Anyway I found where I needed to be & in the whole process of opening & closing doors, one of my salsa jars fell out & made a big mess on the road.  I sure wouldn't want someone leaving a bunch of glass on the road so I did my best to clean it all up - puncturing my finger in the process.  Grabbed a rag from the vehicle (which I'm sure was crawling with germs and dirt) to stop the bleeding & then finally back to the house.  It was sweltering!  Then I had to lug all the groceries in & put away. 

I finally finished up stuff I'd been trying to get done earlier about 8 p.m. last night.  There's still a few things yet to do.  Pick up a pie (yeah, College Bound Daughter wants a pie for her graduation party!) plus order a cake (for everyone else!).  Saturday I need to run to order balloons to pick up before the party on Sunday & take the food up to the party location so I won't have to do it Sunday.  I just hope the people putting the refreshments together for after church, don't get confused & use my stuff (I'll mark it clearly - just in case!)

And the wind here in North Texas has been HORRIBLE!  Remember my post about flying dogs?  I saw some guy carrying his tiny little dog the other day - it probably started to get airborne & he didn't want to lose the little thing!  I even saw some fences that had fallen down due to the wind.  Would be half way ok if there was a nice cool breeze with all that wind but it's so dry & warm.  Sort of like what I'd expect from the California Santa Ana winds.

If I'm not here in the next couple days I'll be back after graduation is all over & done with & post about it then.

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:00 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 6 June 2008 7:14 AM CDT
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Thursday, 5 June 2008
Final Countdown!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: family

In the immortal words of the legendary Alice Cooper "School's Out!" - yep, today is the last day of school for First Grader.  Movin' on up to the 2nd grade in Auugst!  Wow - when did this happen?  How did this happen? 

Today is also graduation practice day for Senior Daughter.  Will have to change her name after today to "College-Bound Daughter" (so take notes so you won't get lost!)  Sunday morning is graduation and Sunday afternoon is grad party.  I'm thisclose to being done with everything for the grad party.  Few things I need to take care of & then I need to make my list of food to buy, stuff to order (cake & balloons) & then take rest of stuff up to where the party will be so it's there & I don't have to try to deal with it on Sunday.  Then I need to actually make out in detail how to do this sort of party so in the future I will have something to go on!

Yesterday was last party for First Grader (who will soon be known as "Almost Second Grader").  Had lots of parents who showed up to help!  I am so lucky to have folks helping with the parties.  One of the moms who was helping me said she had been room mom for one of her other children and no one ever came to help.  The teacher of that class said the last 2 years she's had to do the parties because no one has ever stepped up to do it.  Yeah, I'm feeling the love! 

In other random ramblings (hey - if someone wants a blog name - that's a good one!) - the wind it is a blowin'!  The leaves in the trees were making a huge noise yesterday afternoon as the wind gusts would hit them.  But normal things like patio furniture & trash cans - winds not even touching them.  I'm a little confused!

So where am I when I'm not here?  Posting on my Genealogy Blog - so if you are looking for me here - go over there & you can read some of my (ha ha!) fascinating posts!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:43 AM CDT
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Monday, 2 June 2008
Yes, I'm Still Here!
Mood:  rushed
Topic: Things to Do

I'm sure you are all wondering where I've been for the last 5 days - sitting on pins and needles right?  Just BUSY - and yes I meant to type that in capital letters.

Things I've done in the last week - rearranged my work schedule due to dentist appointment, lack of that 3rd vehicle, and 1st grader's awards ceremony; general housework (changed sheets, cleaned bathroom); personal grooming stuff (colored/highlighted my hair - taking 2+ hours out of my Saturday); regular work stuff; IRREGULAR work stuff (work stuff I only have to do when my boss [read: the minister] is on vacation); grocery shopping (several times at several stores); spend time with Photographer Daughter and grandsons; chauffeur Senior Daughter to Favorite Teacher's Senior Party because there was lack of communication and Senior Boyfriend didn't pick her up to go; buy a birthday gift for Senior Boyfriend; fix meals for people to eat (because someone is always hungry at my house!); run errands; buy graduation party supplies; and find time to sleep. 

Yes, I've surfed here, there and every once in awhile this past few days.  In fact Friday morning after filling my mind with THREE HOURS of the LOST finale on Thursday and reading some of the blogging commentaries about the finale, I formulated a great blog about my theories, observations, etc.  Needless to say my brain is already filled with more crap than it can hold so I basically forgot everything I'd thought about & watched helplessly as it floated from my brain to the other-sphere - never to be thought of again!

I'm also blogging on my genealogy website.  So if you are ever looking for me here and can't find me - go there and you'll realize I'm still around.  Just not here.  Sometimes I'm not even all there! 

Oh, yeah, Rick Springfield will be at the Glass Cactus nightclub at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine on June 13th.  Guess who isn't able to go?  Boo Hoo!  For $40 a ticket I just can't do it right now.  Have bills that have to be paid, graduation to get through, a vacation to think about, and since gas is now a bazillion almost $4 a gallon, we're saving for that trip to the grocery store down the street. 

Senior Daughter graduates on Sunday morning at 10 a.m.  Party is later that afternoon.  Not at my house.  If you show up here - you're going to be disappointed.  First off my house isn't big enough to hold the number of people who show up to these things, second I don't have the time to spic & span everything down, and third - well the first two equals 3!  I keep saying once I get through graduation then I can think about other things. 

 Except . . . I have a volunteer breakfast this a.m.  Years ago when I was room mom for Florida Daughter (stop counting how long ago it was - just trust me!) - my next door neighbor called me one afternoon and told me I'd missed a great volunteer's "tea".  The school had given all the room mom's and outstanding volunteers a tea one afternoon before school was over and seeing I wasn't there, asked someone why I wasn't.  They informed her that they "forgot" to invite me.  Hello - pick up the phone & call me and tell me to come!  Nope.  Then two days later at the end of school ice cream party as I was carting 2 1/2 gallons of ice cream through the school wondering where the class was, the teacher came around a corner & said they'd decided to have an outside fun day & could I just bring the ice cream back the next day?  I was so ticked!  I handed her the ice cream & told her she was on her own.  That sort of soured me on the whole room parent thing - so much so that I didn't do it again for (insert your best guess) umpteen years until last year for First Grader.  So I'm taking full advantage of the volunteers breakfast this morning!

Wednesday I have a lunch with the church ladies - we're all fun and silly.  At 1 that day I have the end of year (again "ice cream" party) for First Grader.  Thursday at 10 is Senior Daughter's graduation practice and at 1:30 First Grader is (in the words of the legendary Alice Cooper) "out for the summer". 

So what are you doing and where have you been?  Hmmm?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:21 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Warning: This is an Advertisement!
Mood:  loud
Topic: Things to Do

My wonderful husband and I celebrated 20 years of marriage on Friday by taking an overnight trip (close to home) away from the house!  Where we went -

OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE: GO!  The food is wonderful!  We hadn't ever been but have wanted to go.  I was hungry for steak - so we both got the prime rib.  It was melt in your mouth good!  It was a special they were having - the prime rib with a lobster/crab cake, vegetable & side.  I had the standard crisp cooked green beans and the wild rice to go with it.  The crab/lobster cake was very good - generally I'll have a bite of one of these & realize it's not very good.  This was amazing!  The green beans were perfect & the warm, out of the oven pumpernickel bread was a real treat!

INDIANA JONES: Saw the 4th Indy installment (along with half the nation) after dinner and it was so much fun!  Loved every moment of the movie & would actually pay full price to see it again!  I realize there is so much you can miss the first viewing.  If you haven't seen it or are letting the "critics" dictate what you should see (don't!) - go see it! 

CRACKER BARREL: For breakfast.  Generally I'm not a breakfast type of person but we went there anyway and no matter what time of day you eat at Cracker Barrel the food is always hot and good! 

Then it was back to the real world and home. 

Did you celebrate Memorial Day yesterday?  Do you decorate graves?  Display the flag?  Participate in backyard barbecues?  Swim? 

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:53 AM CDT
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Thursday, 22 May 2008
Cook is AI Winner!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Television

Yes, I almost jumped out of my seat when they announced David Cook as the winner of AI last night!  I did sort of scream "Yay!" Then I turned to my husband and said, "ok, so I did care!" (see previous post!)  Winner by 12 million votes?!  Somehow I really don't think Ryan needed to announce that.  He could have told David Cook later but I don't think David Cook really wanted to know either. I also wanted to stand up and applaud Simon after he apologized to David Cook for being too hard on him the previous night.  However, in one online report I read, I do wonder if Clive Davis really was looking forward to an Archuletta win - more marketable is probably what Davis thought.  That might explain certain behaviors from the judges the night before.  But then again - Simon knows his own mind & I doubt he would "roll over" just because Clive Davis asked him to promote little David more.  So it was a great AI ending!  Can't wait for Cook's first CD! 

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:34 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Did You Vote for David?
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Television
I didn't even vote last night (American Idol).  Normally, I'm voting for at least the first 30 minutes but I've decided that whichever David wins the AI crown this year - both of them will be ok.  If they both recorded CDs and I had to choose, I'd definitely buy David Cook's.  Throughout the season he showed his versatility - rock, ballads, corny "pop", not to mention how nice he seems.  The younger David is technically & vocally very good, but I think he needs some life experiences behind him.  As I commented last week on Entertainment Weekly's column, when David A. sang the Dan Fogelberg song - technically he was the best BUT . . . I could not believe him when he sang about a love so deep, yada yada yada.  I don't believe he's ever felt that way so the song was as Simon would say "totally unbelievable".  But I believed David Cook on almost every song he sang this season.  Now whether his fans over voted the teeny-bopper Archuletta fans remains to be seen.  We'll all find out tonight and in about a year, we'll see who has the better selling CD.  Two words - remember Daughtry?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:42 AM CDT
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Monday, 19 May 2008
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Weather

So the weather forecast for the next few days says it's supposed to be a little over 90!  It's not even June yet!  I was really hoping we'd have a mild summer, sort of like last year.  At least by mid-afternoon yesterday there was a breeze blowing so when Photographer Daughter and I were outside with the boys, we sort of stayed cool.  Think her legs either got real hot or sunburned through her jeans.  I stayed in the shade.

Yesterday morning at church they honored the 2 high school and one college graduate that we have.  The college grad wasn't there but my Senior Daughter and the other high school grad was there.  They both looked really pretty (yes, Senior Daughter actually wore a dress to church - first time since middle school!)

They also received college scholarships from our Women's Group.  Hey, every little bit helps!  Afterwards was a cake reception for the grads.  Unfortunately there were about 3 different things going on with 3 different groups of people - some had a board meeting, some had a teacher's luncheon & then those who stayed for the cake & refreshments.  I was in charge of serving refreshments and it looked like Darling Husband and I were going to take our gang to lunch so I wasn't up for hanging out as long as we could there to wait on people to eat their cookies or cake.  So I made sure everyone knew that was it & started putting stuff away.  We went to a really cool restaurant in a neighboring town.  They have a "50's" style - the decorations, menu, music, etc.  The food is really hot when it gets to you (no sitting under a heat lamp!) and good.  We all chowed down & then headed back to the house. 

Let me tell you, by 9:30 last night I just couldn't keep my eyes opened so I headed to bed.  I think Senior Daughter will start painting her room this week as she & DH ran to the "Blue" home store to pick up paint. 

That's it from my world - how was your's this weekend?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:25 AM CDT
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