Mood: incredulous
Topic: Weather
So the weather forecast for the next few days says it's supposed to be a little over 90! It's not even June yet! I was really hoping we'd have a mild summer, sort of like last year. At least by mid-afternoon yesterday there was a breeze blowing so when Photographer Daughter and I were outside with the boys, we sort of stayed cool. Think her legs either got real hot or sunburned through her jeans. I stayed in the shade.
Yesterday morning at church they honored the 2 high school and one college graduate that we have. The college grad wasn't there but my Senior Daughter and the other high school grad was there. They both looked really pretty (yes, Senior Daughter actually wore a dress to church - first time since middle school!)
They also received college scholarships from our Women's Group. Hey, every little bit helps! Afterwards was a cake reception for the grads. Unfortunately there were about 3 different things going on with 3 different groups of people - some had a board meeting, some had a teacher's luncheon & then those who stayed for the cake & refreshments. I was in charge of serving refreshments and it looked like Darling Husband and I were going to take our gang to lunch so I wasn't up for hanging out as long as we could there to wait on people to eat their cookies or cake. So I made sure everyone knew that was it & started putting stuff away. We went to a really cool restaurant in a neighboring town. They have a "50's" style - the decorations, menu, music, etc. The food is really hot when it gets to you (no sitting under a heat lamp!) and good. We all chowed down & then headed back to the house.
Let me tell you, by 9:30 last night I just couldn't keep my eyes opened so I headed to bed. I think Senior Daughter will start painting her room this week as she & DH ran to the "Blue" home store to pick up paint.
That's it from my world - how was your's this weekend?