Mood: irritated
Topic: Television
Dear The Powers That Be at CBS:
Once again, you got me sucked into a drama and reward me by YANKING it off the air! Gee, didn’t you try the same approach with “Jericho”? I thought I learned my lesson after that stunt, but I guess I’m a slow learner. Forget it! You can put the best drama on next season, with the best actors and actresses, and I am NOT going to watch it. Because I know that as soon as I get involved, work my schedule around watching it, find the episodes engaging – then – it’ll get the axe.
Yes, I’m talking about “Moonlight”. And it has now been turned into dust. Maybe the CW or Fox will come along and re-boot it on their network. Maybe the fans will send CBS enough fake blood to rival the nuts sent from “Jericho” fans.
I’m asking you to please stick with comedies. Seems to be mostly what you are good at. Many of them last a long time! It was even on your network that history was made during the finale of “M*A*S*H”. I guess I thought that since all of your daytime dramas seem have a corner on the Daytime Emmy market – that just once, CBS would have a winner with a primetime drama. Just wishful thinking on my part.
No, I won’t be boycotting the products of the sponsors of “Moonlight”. It’s not their fault that you didn’t invest enough PR to get the show watched by viewers. Not once did I hear of the principals of the show appearing on any news or talk shows to promote it. You sort of dropped the ball on that one.
Do you need PR people? Is that the issue? I’m sure there are lots of candidates who would be happy to have a job promoting wonderful primetime dramas.
Good luck in future endeavors – you’re really going to need it!