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Friday, 29 February 2008
Now I'm excited . . .
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Politics

So in a vast ocean of red I turned blue yesterday!  So even tho' Texas has had a GREAT democratic woman governor (Ann Richards - may she rest in peace!) - seems most of the state favors the red candidate.  Especially when it comes to the Presidential elections.  And since "w" was one of the very few who was re-elected twice in a row as governor of this state, most (that I've heard) are (not quite) as enamored of someone who favors the same views.  Me - I am so ready for something to change.  And I'm really tired of the "good ol' boy" network.  Most of my really close friends are nowhere near as moderately liberal as I am - and for me - it just depends on the issue at hand. 

So yesterday I went and voted and as I voted, I became REALLY excited about the election!  From being really undecided a couple weeks ago & then spending time reading (facts - not rhetoric) about where each candidate stands on the issues, I began to feel more optimistic about the whole political process.

Oh, and the whole "hope" topic on the debate & such that's been bandied about by the 2 democratic candidates - didn't Hillary ever listen to her husband's campaigning back when or his State of the Union addresses?  I bet he said "hope" over 20 times at each place/for each address - I mean he did come from Hope, Ark. and he used to say "little bit of hope" all the time.  Geez!

One more thing - please do NOT bash me for my views - I have an opinion - just like you do.  If you can get behind a candidate and know why you are in favor of that person - GREAT! 

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:22 AM CST
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