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Thursday, 22 May 2008
Cook is AI Winner!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: Television

Yes, I almost jumped out of my seat when they announced David Cook as the winner of AI last night!  I did sort of scream "Yay!" Then I turned to my husband and said, "ok, so I did care!" (see previous post!)  Winner by 12 million votes?!  Somehow I really don't think Ryan needed to announce that.  He could have told David Cook later but I don't think David Cook really wanted to know either. I also wanted to stand up and applaud Simon after he apologized to David Cook for being too hard on him the previous night.  However, in one online report I read, I do wonder if Clive Davis really was looking forward to an Archuletta win - more marketable is probably what Davis thought.  That might explain certain behaviors from the judges the night before.  But then again - Simon knows his own mind & I doubt he would "roll over" just because Clive Davis asked him to promote little David more.  So it was a great AI ending!  Can't wait for Cook's first CD! 

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:34 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 21 May 2008
Did You Vote for David?
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Television
I didn't even vote last night (American Idol).  Normally, I'm voting for at least the first 30 minutes but I've decided that whichever David wins the AI crown this year - both of them will be ok.  If they both recorded CDs and I had to choose, I'd definitely buy David Cook's.  Throughout the season he showed his versatility - rock, ballads, corny "pop", not to mention how nice he seems.  The younger David is technically & vocally very good, but I think he needs some life experiences behind him.  As I commented last week on Entertainment Weekly's column, when David A. sang the Dan Fogelberg song - technically he was the best BUT . . . I could not believe him when he sang about a love so deep, yada yada yada.  I don't believe he's ever felt that way so the song was as Simon would say "totally unbelievable".  But I believed David Cook on almost every song he sang this season.  Now whether his fans over voted the teeny-bopper Archuletta fans remains to be seen.  We'll all find out tonight and in about a year, we'll see who has the better selling CD.  Two words - remember Daughtry?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:42 AM CDT
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Thursday, 15 May 2008
Open Letter to CBS
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Television

Dear The Powers That Be at CBS:

Once again, you got me sucked into a drama and reward me by YANKING it off the air!  Gee, didn’t you try the same approach with “Jericho”?  I thought I learned my lesson after that stunt, but I guess I’m a slow learner.  Forget it!  You can put the best drama on next season, with the best actors and actresses, and I am NOT going to watch it.  Because I know that as soon as I get involved, work my schedule around watching it, find the episodes engaging – then – it’ll get the axe. 

Yes, I’m talking about “Moonlight”.  And it has now been turned into dust.  Maybe the CW or Fox will come along and re-boot it on their network.  Maybe the fans will send CBS enough fake blood to rival the nuts sent from “Jericho” fans. 

I’m asking you to please stick with comedies.  Seems to be mostly what you are good at.  Many of them last a long time!  It was even on your network that history was made during the finale of “M*A*S*H”.  I guess I thought that since all of your daytime dramas seem have a corner on the Daytime Emmy market – that just once, CBS would have a winner with a primetime drama.  Just wishful thinking on my part. 

No, I won’t be boycotting the products of the sponsors of “Moonlight”. It’s not their fault that you didn’t invest enough PR to get the show watched by viewers.  Not once did I hear of the principals of the show appearing on any news or talk shows to promote it.  You sort of dropped the ball on that one. 


Do you need PR people?  Is that the issue?  I’m sure there are lots of candidates who would be happy to have a job promoting wonderful primetime dramas. 

Good luck in future endeavors – you’re really going to need it!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:38 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 7:40 AM CDT
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Friday, 29 February 2008
Kady - not Alaina!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Television

So when Ryan Seacrest said "Kady . . ." and made that long dramatic pause last night on "Idol" - Kady just nodded her head as if she knew she was the one to get voted off but NO!  She was safe (what the ?).  Alaina had to go.  Now, I'll be the first to say that in time, Alaina would have had to go too - but not just yet.  Ugh

And if you are wondering - or even care - my favs are: Mike Johns and Danny A and Carly Smithson (the tattooed Irish lass) and Brooke - her take on "You'r so Vain" was pretty good!  I do like the rocker-nurse but she really needs to take risks and pull them off in order to survive a long time!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:22 AM CST
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Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Just a reminder - DON'T CALL ME TONIGHT!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Television
Just want to be clear on that!  Tonight is the 2 hour American Idol - Hollywood Week begins.  That at 9 (central time) Jericho is back!  See, I was completely wrong - I thought Jericho & Idol would be opposite each other.  Now this is way too cool!  So at 7 I will be settling in at the end of my reclining couch watching Simon either bash or praise these Idol hopefuls and then at 9, watch the citizens of Jericho learn how to handle the new order.  So you better call me before 7 if you need anything!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:46 AM CST
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Monday, 4 February 2008
Mood:  happy
Topic: Television

So who did NOT watch the Superbowl last nght?  Or do you just have it on to see the new commercials?  Or is it just an excuse to throw/go to a party for the fun food?  Since I wasn't invested in either team (i.e. - not the Cowboys or the Chiefs), I was for either team.  Yes, I would have liked to see Belichek & Brady & the Pats have a perfect season!  But I also wanted to see Eli break free of big brother, Peyton's, shadow.  And, um, in case you didn't hear - that's what happened!  By the fourth quarter, I was yelling at either team to GO! And even got excited at a couple fumbles!  I just wanted to see some action! 

Think I should own stock in WingStop!  I ordered our wings at 4 - they said they'd be ready by 5 - 18 minutes before kick-off.  When I got there about 4:40 to pay & wait, there were at least 10 people waiting & three people in line.  By the time I left, the line was out the door!  But I think we've decided what our ultimate favorites are - Lemon Pepper & Garlic/Parmesan.  So we muched on wings through the first quarter.  Had a piece of Chocolate cake during the 4th quarter.  And how was Tom Petty?  Thought they did ok - kept it simple.  Would have liked to have heard the complete version of "Free Fallin'" - but that's ok.

And the ads - my favorite was the Bridgestone: Headlights - and that's only because Alice Cooper appears for like 3 seconds!  Enjoyed the Stewy/Underdog/Coke commercial where Charlie Brown ends up with the prized soda!  Too cute!  The baby E*Trade ads - the first one baby spits up at end - the 2nd with the "creepiness" factor of the clown!  I was a little slow about the Audi commercial doing a take-off of Godfather until Senior Daughter said "Is that supposed to be like the Horse Head scene?"  The JT magnetic pull ad was also pretty decent.  Loved the dalmation & the Budweiser horse commercial - I call it "Rocky" Horse!  Too cute.  Those I could have done without: Will Farrell, the guy who hooks himself up to charge the car battery, the Shaq commercial - poor horse! and I missed the Godaddy ad this year - and no, I'm not going to go watch it on youtube.

So did you watch the game? And what were your favorite ads?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:08 AM CST
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Saturday, 12 January 2008
Back in Black!
Mood:  vegas lucky
Topic: Television


Ok, ok, yes, I'm referring to "Days of Our Lives".  For those living in a sealed cave for the past few months or have never, I mean NEVER, seen any daytime television or watched any NBC shows in the last several months, John Black is a major character on the soap.  Drake Hogestyn, the actor who portrays Black, was presumably fired last fall after playing the character for over 20 years.  The outcry & outrage from fans was heard 'round the internet.  Either because of the fans or because this was a major ratings ploy, Drake is now back on the canvas as the very popular, hard to keep down, John Black.  Viewers first saw John's face on Tuesday when his lifelong enemy's son pulled back the sheet of the table John was lying on for the reveal.  Fans, however, are a lot smarter than that - we've had a feeling for at least a month that the mysterious "houseguest" was indeed, "that's a fact", John Black.  Hopefully this storyline will play out well and not make a mockery of what could be a very intriguing, well told story.  Tune in, stay tuned, for more!

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:29 AM CST
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Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Not Sure if "That's a fact"
Mood:  blue
Topic: Television

Time: 1:51 p.m. (CDT), Oct. 17, 2007

Place: University Hospital, Salem, USA

Who: John "That's a fact" Black

What: Took his last breath

Why: Someone ran him down close to Salem Clinic

Okay - this is Days of Our Lives I'm talking about & John Black is a fictional character who has been played by one actor, Drake Hogestyn, for the last 21 years.  I wasn't actually at home able to watch when Drake came on board, but kept up at that time through the weekly TV guide recaps.  Drake played John as the romantic hero, knight in shining armor, law enforcer extraordinaire, and the former Pawn of everyone's enemy on DOOL - Stefano DiMera.  When John stood on that pier and saw his beloved Marlena return to him, I cried as the characters cried.  When John realized he wasn't in fact Roman Brady, I was devastated that they'd get rid of his character.  When John went on to marry and then lose his precious Isabella, I cried as she died in his arms he held her while they danced.  When John and Marlena reignited their passion for one another, I cheered.  And over the years I've been cheering for John in his story lines.  This last year and a half, I've hoped that he got a good, meaty storyline to equal those of years' past - but he didn't.  When he announced his fan club gathering this year & called it "John Black's Last Mission" the online message boards lit up with rumors that John Black was on his way out.  And sure enough today, the character flatlined and took his last breath as his one & only love, Marlena, told him to close his eyes and sleep & someday he would welcome her with open arms.  Yes, I had tears in my eyes.  More so in the next scene when Sami (who hated John for most of the time Allison Sweeney has played the part) bolted out of John's rooms in tears and shoved the annullment papers in front of Lucas & told him to sign them & he did.  I understand that all of the tears the characters shed were real - they were all in shock that Drake was leaving. 

Yet . . . no one ever stays dead on Days - so maybe . . . possibly . . . he'll be back.  Maybe - we don't know now . . . and "that's a fact".


Posted by wendylittrell at 5:39 PM CDT
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Friday, 24 August 2007
Who Killed Rock & Roll?
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Television


Wow!  Was that just amazing or what?  In case you missed it - Rick Springfield sang "Who Killed Rock & Roll?" on General Hospital today as part of a storyline that's been going on for awhile.  Summary: Neurosurgeon - Dr. Noah Drake (Rick Springfield) is a look-alike for rock star Eli Love (also Rick Springfield).  Which is still not all well & good for Noah has quite a disdain for rock & roll musicians.  Except . . . Eli needs brain surgery and . . . he's scheduled to perform at a benefit concert for Lifebeat ( a REAL organization dedicated to helping find a cure for HIV/AIDS.  So Anna Devane (Finola Hughes) - who has this super, gigantic crush on Eli Love, persuades Noah to take Eli's place.  She gets him "rock star" ready.  Yesterday a case of nerves almost screwed the whole concert but a gentle talk from Anna (who he started to become romantically involved with until their adult children stepped in - but that's a whole other story!) - Noah shook off the nerves and was prepared to go.  Then there was a huge crash - gear & a mike stand fell on Noah - most importantly - on his throat resulting in a bad case of bruised vocal cords (only in soap land!).  What to do, what to do?  Of course - temporarily release Eli Love from the hospital and have him sing the vocals backstage while Noah lip-synced on stage.  Sounds like a plan!  Actually it was plan B or something!  Noah starts to play guitar - the band starts and whoops!  There's a glitch with the sound!  So of course Anna provides some good delay tactics - first giving Noah a great big kiss!  Then talking about all the wonderful things Lifebeat does.  Tears were shed.  Finally the sound is working & it's a go.  The band begins, Noah hits the guitar & Eli (backstage) begins singing. 

Kudos to General Hospital for always being on top of the game by promoting these real life charities and organizations.  Kudos to the writers for creatively (sometimes silly-ly!) writing it so we can hear Rick Springfield actually perform on the show without a major character change.  Kudos to GH for close-ups of Rick's real band!  Kudos to Rick who excellently portrayed both Noah Drake pretending to be Eli Love and the Australian Rock Star Eli Love.  Kudos for having Eli be from Australia so Rick could speak in that wonderful Australian accent we never get to hear!  Kudos to GH for NOT breaking up the song in commercial breaks! 

 So Rick Springfield performed as Noah Drake performing as Eli Love!  What a wonderful (sometimes funny) roller-coaster of a storyline but today was all worth it!

Check out the blog at - there is a clip on there!  And for more Rick Springfield information:

More later, Dear Readers!

Posted by wendylittrell at 9:55 PM CDT
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Saturday, 26 May 2007
American Idol
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Television

I wish next year they’d NOT put the finales of “Lost” and “American Idol” opposite each other.  I’m so tired of recording & switching back & forth.

My take on the AI finale – loved that Jordin won – course I’ve already said my favorite would have been for Melinda to win – but oh, well.  Jordin’s rendition of “This Is My Now” was right on the mark – emotional and sung beautifully.  Wish Blake could have had a different song to sing.  Next year – do a competition where at least 2 songs – maybe 3 could be in the running for the finale – that way the finalists could have a choice to whichever one suits their styles better.  This was one of the first years I didn’t vote – only because I knew I’d be happy with whomever won.  Loved seeing Chris Daughtry on the Tuesday night show.  I also enjoyed seeing shots of the audience to see who was there.  Wished they could have had some sort of set up where Chris Sligh could have done something to make Hasselhoff cry – remember when he went to audition?  That’s what he said his goal was!  Would have been funny!  People on the boards wanted to know where Fantasia was – well, she’s on Broadway starring in “The Color Purple” – I doubt she could have been in 2 places at once, but it was sure nice to see the other Idol Winners.  Loved Kellie’s new song!  So, Dear Readers, what are your thoughts?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:55 AM CDT
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