Yes, I'm Still Here!
Topic: Things to Do
I'm sure you are all wondering where I've been for the last 5 days - sitting on pins and needles right? Just BUSY - and yes I meant to type that in capital letters.
Things I've done in the last week - rearranged my work schedule due to dentist appointment, lack of that 3rd vehicle, and 1st grader's awards ceremony; general housework (changed sheets, cleaned bathroom); personal grooming stuff (colored/highlighted my hair - taking 2+ hours out of my Saturday); regular work stuff; IRREGULAR work stuff (work stuff I only have to do when my boss [read: the minister] is on vacation); grocery shopping (several times at several stores); spend time with Photographer Daughter and grandsons; chauffeur Senior Daughter to Favorite Teacher's Senior Party because there was lack of communication and Senior Boyfriend didn't pick her up to go; buy a birthday gift for Senior Boyfriend; fix meals for people to eat (because someone is always hungry at my house!); run errands; buy graduation party supplies; and find time to sleep.
Yes, I've surfed here, there and every once in awhile this past few days. In fact Friday morning after filling my mind with THREE HOURS of the LOST finale on Thursday and reading some of the blogging commentaries about the finale, I formulated a great blog about my theories, observations, etc. Needless to say my brain is already filled with more crap than it can hold so I basically forgot everything I'd thought about & watched helplessly as it floated from my brain to the other-sphere - never to be thought of again!
I'm also blogging on my genealogy website. So if you are ever looking for me here and can't find me - go there and you'll realize I'm still around. Just not here. Sometimes I'm not even all there!
Oh, yeah, Rick Springfield will be at the Glass Cactus nightclub at the Gaylord Texan Resort in Grapevine on June 13th. Guess who isn't able to go? Boo Hoo! For $40 a ticket I just can't do it right now. Have bills that have to be paid, graduation to get through, a vacation to think about, and since gas is now a bazillion almost $4 a gallon, we're saving for that trip to the grocery store down the street.
Senior Daughter graduates on Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Party is later that afternoon. Not at my house. If you show up here - you're going to be disappointed. First off my house isn't big enough to hold the number of people who show up to these things, second I don't have the time to spic & span everything down, and third - well the first two equals 3! I keep saying once I get through graduation then I can think about other things.
Except . . . I have a volunteer breakfast this a.m. Years ago when I was room mom for Florida Daughter (stop counting how long ago it was - just trust me!) - my next door neighbor called me one afternoon and told me I'd missed a great volunteer's "tea". The school had given all the room mom's and outstanding volunteers a tea one afternoon before school was over and seeing I wasn't there, asked someone why I wasn't. They informed her that they "forgot" to invite me. Hello - pick up the phone & call me and tell me to come! Nope. Then two days later at the end of school ice cream party as I was carting 2 1/2 gallons of ice cream through the school wondering where the class was, the teacher came around a corner & said they'd decided to have an outside fun day & could I just bring the ice cream back the next day? I was so ticked! I handed her the ice cream & told her she was on her own. That sort of soured me on the whole room parent thing - so much so that I didn't do it again for (insert your best guess) umpteen years until last year for First Grader. So I'm taking full advantage of the volunteers breakfast this morning!
Wednesday I have a lunch with the church ladies - we're all fun and silly. At 1 that day I have the end of year (again "ice cream" party) for First Grader. Thursday at 10 is Senior Daughter's graduation practice and at 1:30 First Grader is (in the words of the legendary Alice Cooper) "out for the summer".
So what are you doing and where have you been? Hmmm?
Posted by wendylittrell
at 6:21 AM CDT