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Thursday, 18 December 2008
Christmas, Weather and . . . OMG - Where Did That Fog Come From?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: holidays

If you live in North Texas - the DFW metroplex, have you looked outside?  It's like a Stephen King novel - particularly the "Mist".  (Not the movie - the story!)  I keep expecting large, ugly, creepy things to come flying out of the fog.  Driving in it at 5:30 in the morning - when not many others have ventured out yet - only one word comes to mind - Desolate.  Here's hoping the fog burns off, and half-way decent weather returns.

Christmas Shopping - are you done?  If you're one of those people who had it finished before Halloween or Thanksgiving - shut up!  I'm about half way done & time is running out!  I still need to mail out of state packages yet.  Meant to do that yesterday but knew I couldn't be shopping today so needed to get that shopping done yesterday.  Never had time to get packages sent. Somehow today I have to do it!

And this crazy weather - what can I say!?  On Sunday the temp was in the 70s.  On Monday the wind and chill were terrible.  Not to mention we had icy stuff falling from the sky later in the evening which made the Tuesday morning commute hard for some people.  Now most of the roads I had to travel were dry - save for a few bridges but those had been sanded so they weren't too bad.  I followed someone driving 20 on a service road where the speed limit at optimum times is 45-50.  The road was bone dry.  If you are too scared to drive on a dry road - get off of it & stay off until you decide you want to drive at least halfway normally! 

And if you want a good laugh - go visit


It is hilarious!  My son pointed me to this clip last night!

And if I don't get back to you in the next week - have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:01 AM CST
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Monday, 5 May 2008
*** UPDATED **** An Early Mother's Day!
Mood:  happy
Topic: holidays

Yes, next Sunday is Mother's Day - but I received a very unexpected early Mother's Day.  Photographer daughter brought me this big, beautiful bouquet of PURPLE daisies!  Have I mentioned that purple is my favorite color?  I hadn't ever seen purple daisies before!  Unfortunately the flash on my camera doesn't do them justice but when I do download my pictures, I will share! *****

She also gave me 2 very sweet and touching cards!  It's equally heartwarming when I get a "Nana" card!  Couldn't find them when I was a young girl for my grandmother, and they are still a little hard to find.

Then, awhile back, I posted this about my favorite movie and when I opened the gift Photographer daughter gave me - there it was!!!  Yes, I screamed (I was in my office . . . at church!).  Then I almost knocked her down by giving her a big hug!  Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou! 

And how was your weekend?

**** Here is a picture!  It was taken by Photographer Daughter!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:03 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 3:10 PM CDT
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Monday, 7 January 2008
Tree is Now Put Away
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: holidays

So yesterday was the "Dismantling" of Christmas at our house.  The tree is now officially put up - well, not really. It's in a box out in our garage.  The decorations are down - ok, the wreath is still on the door & the Christmas cards received are still in a basket on our end table.  So we're not officially done yet - but better than we were!

And the temp outside is in the 60s!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! It's January - but it is Texas.  A few years ago on New Years Day we were over at Photographer Daughter's house - standing around outside in shorts & T-shirts while Son-in-Law grilled our New Year's Dinner & it was at least 70 or above!  Last year we had a big ice/snow storm after Christmas & the year before it came on Valentine's Day.  So I take all this "spring" weather with a grain of salt because ultimately it will go back to feeling like "winter" at any moment. 

What's your forecast?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:16 AM CST
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Thursday, 3 January 2008
Take the Tree Down ?
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: holidays

That's what I'm supposed to be doing?  For some reason, I just kept plugging away the last few days without giving a thought that Christmas & New Years are over & I really should get rid of this gigantic green thing Beautifully decorated Christmas Tree!  Well, not get rid of, but at least un-decorate & dismantle it.  At least I don't leave outside decorations up until July!  Actually the only outside decoration I have is my wreath.  Guess I can't put up the "Harvest" (Fall) wreath, either, huh? Probably out to get in the spare room & start packing away the wrapping paper, bows & other Christmas type stuff where it belongs. 

And I need to get in the spare room to do that anyway because although I just absolutely enjoy digital scrapbooking, I really need to do some "hands on" regular paper scrapbooking.  For one, my daughter graduates in 6 months & I have to have her scrapbook done by then!  I have all sorts of good intentions, just either no time, no motivation or nowhere to work!

So how long do your Christmas decorations stick around?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:07 AM CST
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Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Scenes of Christmas!
Topic: holidays

Some scenes from our day!


  ornaments on the tree!









1st grader with his new
Spiderman3 Shirt!











    Photographer Daughter holding up her
    new white sweater we gave her!

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:14 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 December 2007 8:19 AM CST
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Happy Day After Christmas!
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: Spiderman 3 (DVD on Television)
Topic: holidays

I hope you and yours had a wonderful day yesterday!  I wish I could say our day was quiet, controlled, and short!  No I don't wish that!  I wouldn't have had it any other way!  Noisy - movie playing, kids playing, and all of us talking.  Chaotic - not so much, but at certain times there were boxes, paper, bags and parts of toys scattered hither & yon.  Short - no way!  Time actually went by pretty fast and some of us didn't eat our 2nd Christmas dinner until way late! 

First Grader said Santa brought him everything he always wanted - which was actually a good thing since every time I asked him what he wanted Santa to bring, he'd respond "I'm not telling YOU!"  Clothes fit him and he stayed busy playing with every Spiderman toy, Star Wars toy, Transformer Toy and Hot Wheels car that Santa brought.  His Auntie & Uncle and cousins gave him a Spiderman 3 Monster Truck - which the dog just hates!  He's having a grand time with that truck.  And the stories he makes up about what Spiderman can do and what the "bad" guys are doing, are so imaginative!

Senior Daughter actually liked the clothes I bought for her!  Guess it just took me awhile to figure out her "style".  She spent lots of time reading the Ripley's book she got for Christmas.  Loved the DVD's she received and we watched both Addams family movies last night.  I hadn't really seen them before - boy, the movies are a little more "dark" than the TV show was! 

The Dog loved her gifts - pig ears and a pig hoof!  She chewed & chewed on that hoof!  Took it outside but was constantly on guard in case something or someone else tried to take it!  She wasn't too thrilled with all the people (baby especially) or toys that moved or made lots of noise.  She did, however, enjoy her Christmas dinner.

Hubby played his Sudoko game most of the day.  I think his favorite gift came from our niece.  She sent wonderful literature and great framed picture of the castle that is purported to be an ancestral home in my husband's lineage (in England).  I couldn't tell her thank you enough for that gift.  She sent me a beautiful ceramic refrigerator magnet from her trip to Germany recently.  I'm so afraid it will break that I won't put it on the fridge.  Hubby also liked the DVD's, gift cards, and tools he received.

Photographer Daughter (GO TO HER WEBSITE: received a fantastic gift from her husband - a Digital SLR camera.  She'll have so much enjoyment out of learning all the things it can do!  I thought she took great pictures before - I can't wait to see the photos she takes with this camera!  That was my wish for her - to have a professional camera! 

Son-in-law received several gifts he can use and enjoy.  Have I told you how blessed we are to have such a wonderful, caring, and hard-working Son-in-law?  I'm so thankful that he is part of our family (course, I'm sure there are times he wonders about us all!)

Florida Daughter sounded like she had a great Christmas!  Her fiance' gifted her with a new, big jewelry box that she raved about.  I can't wait to hear how her Christmas dinner turned out!  When I talked to her, she had pies cooking, a turkey in the oven of her family down the street and doing a ham in her oven! 

Florida Son had to work and called late in the afternoon.  I know he wished he was with family and we sure wish he'd been with us, but to know that he is healthy and happy and taking care of business, is comforting.

Extended family chimed in through the day - either with us calling them or they called us.  All in all it was a Great Day!

How was your's?

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:52 AM CST
Updated: Wednesday, 26 December 2007 8:12 AM CST
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Monday, 24 December 2007
These are a Few of My Favorite Things . . .
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Holiday Sounds of the Season
Topic: holidays

So Christmas got me thinking on some of my favorite gifts over the years and not just the ones from Christmas:

Gifts of Children - Each of my children.  What a wonderful, delightful, and beautiful gift each one has been (although there have been times . . . no, seriously . . . ) - they were born healthy and have grown into wonderful adults

Gifts of Childhood - My doll babies. Each year as a young girl I'd get to pick out of the Sears catalog the ONE doll that I couldn't live without. 

Gifts of Love - Gifts my husband has given me - just because he shows me how much he loves me with whatever he's given me!

Gifts of Surprise - Gifts my children have given me - too numerous over the years to list - but they have always given me gifts that I won't part with!

Gifts of Baked Goods - All the homemade goodies friends and family have given us!  Nothing says love or friendship like handmade cookies, cakes, breads, etc.!

Gifts of Family - Family visiting from out of town on Christmas.  When my first daughter was born, I stated that while I had small children that Santa Claus needed to visit, I wasn't going to travel anywhere so it's always been wonderful when family comes. 

Gifts of food - The Turkey a friend dropped by one year when we were struggling.  We didn't even realize that they could tell we were in need.

Gifts of music - from all the LP's my family gifted me with as a teenager - to concerts my husband has taken me to - to a cassette tape someone made for us of music they had recorded.

What have been your favorite gifts?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:10 AM CST
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Sunday, 23 December 2007
Almost Christmas!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: "Spiderman 2" on Television
Topic: holidays

WHOO!!!  Wrapping is almost done!  Still have my daughter's & her family's presents to wrap yet.  At least I know I won't be up 'til the cows come home 3 a.m. Christmas Eve - well I guess that would actually be Christmas by then, right?

Slept funny so my neck has a "crick" in it (yeah, I'm from Ohio & that's what we say - go ahead, make fun of me!)  Put heat on it & laid down for awhile.  Hubby took Senior Daughter to work & took 1st grader with him so they could wander the local sportsman/outdoor store for awhile.  Had a nice nap - yet the "ouchie" is still there - not as bad tho.

Yeah, I think I'm ready for Christmas!  Have so many cookies here, we'll be waddling around in the days to come!  My wonderful next door neighbor brought us some home baked cookies - they are so good!  Want my cookies to turn out as well - they never do so I guess I need to stop trying!

Are you ready yet? 

Will be back after Christmas so from me to you - may your family have a Healthy and Happy Merry Christmas!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:28 PM CST
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Saturday, 22 December 2007
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: something on the PBS channel!
Topic: holidays

why is there only 3 days left before Christmas?!

It's not like I don't know what day it is.  It's just that one person can only do so much and I think right now I'm in the "don't wanna do it" mindset.  Usually happens this close to Christmas.  Which explains why for more years than I can count, I'm rushing around at the last minute getting those "last minute" gifts (they are only last minute because we wait that long!), baking cookies, and wrapping. OMG - WRAPPING! I've decided that to accomplish all this I really need:

  • A Personal Shopper - This person must know exactly what I want for each person on my list and be good at sniffing out the sales, dealing with idiotic people, and smiling the entire time while Christmas Songs play in their head!
  • Someone who is like that lady who does all the home decor projects on TV (also has a show) but we don't ever utter the name in my home (initials are MS) - they can decorate like a pro, wrap gifts that look seamless, create awesome bows to place on said gifts, and once again - smiling the entire time.
  • An accountant - to keep all the buying under control while keeping tabs on the money in said accounts to make sure nothing gets overdrawn.
  • A Chef - this person must know exactly what time each dish will go into the oven or on the stove in order that nothing is done before something else.  They must also know exactly how to deal with the leftovers.  Cookies must be all homemade and so delicious they could win awards.
  • A Maid - to make sure the house sparkles from top to bottom in all rooms at all times throughout all the chaos that will rain down come Christmas Day.
  • An Organizer - to go through First Grader's dresser and closet and remove all those items that are too small as well as go through all the toys and remove those that are broken, pieces are missing, are out of the age range (i.e. "baby" toys) as well as organize everything else in the house.
  • A Professional Photographer - actually I have one of those - my daughter (please check out her website: ! (shameless plug) 
  • The Energizer Bunny - someone who can keep going and going (remember: the smile!) without stopping and deciding that it's nap time!

Oh, wait a minute - my family already thinks I have all those people - they think it's me!  Wow, how have I managed to pull the wool over their eyes for so long?!  To tell you how time crunched I feel - I had a fleeting thought about ordering pizza on Christmas day - to get out of cooking!  Yeah, nothing says Christmas like Dominos Pepperoni pizza!

So tell me, have you suddenly (after many years) decided to change your Christmas dinner, present exchange, or something else so drastic that your family thought the sky would fall in and the earth would open up and swallow you whole?  What? And did it make the day seem less chaotic?  I'm all for suggestions!  Please leave some!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:57 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, 22 December 2007 8:00 AM CST
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Friday, 21 December 2007
FOUR Days to finish Shopping!?
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Whatever is on "Rick Springfield Radio"
Topic: holidays

So what happened to December?  I remember when it started but I sure didn't realize that the 21st would fall the day after so close behind!  I do remember sleeping sometime and drinking coffee - ok, LOTS of coffee, and doing some shopping, but seriously the TWENTY FIRST OF DECEMBER IS TODAY?

So the party yesterday for First Grader's class went very well!  I feel so lucky that at least 5 other parents showed up - including one who is also a teacher at the same school (for a few minutes at least!).  There was plenty of food (so I could grumble about parents not letting me know that they were bringing tons of goodies - but I'm too thankful for that!), wonderful music - courtesy of the Christmas CD the school choir and each grade recorded, happy children, and smiling faces all around.  The Holiday craft - no, we're not supposed to utter the "Christmas" word for fear of offending someone - was jingle bell bracelets and necklaces - which went over VERY well!  It was simple, the mess was very contained which mainly consisted of beads & bells rolling off the table, and cleaned up fast!  It took just the right amount of time, too.  I guess my "Room Mom Super Powers" arrived in the nick of time!  Now, they'll be gone again until at least the week of the Valentine's class party!  I don't call on those super powers very often as I'm afraid I'll end of volunteering for PTA President or something like that!

Oh, you wanted to know how much wrapping I've accomplished?  Zilch. Zero. Nada.  Unless you count the gifts I had to ship out - those I wrapped - or my husband's "gift swap" gift for work - I also wrapped that. But the stuff that goes under the tree - nope.  Still sitting in the same bags they were in when I carried them out of the store.  Maybe tonight?

So are you ready?

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:52 AM CST
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