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Thursday, 15 May 2008
Open Letter to CBS
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Television

Dear The Powers That Be at CBS:

Once again, you got me sucked into a drama and reward me by YANKING it off the air!  Gee, didn’t you try the same approach with “Jericho”?  I thought I learned my lesson after that stunt, but I guess I’m a slow learner.  Forget it!  You can put the best drama on next season, with the best actors and actresses, and I am NOT going to watch it.  Because I know that as soon as I get involved, work my schedule around watching it, find the episodes engaging – then – it’ll get the axe. 

Yes, I’m talking about “Moonlight”.  And it has now been turned into dust.  Maybe the CW or Fox will come along and re-boot it on their network.  Maybe the fans will send CBS enough fake blood to rival the nuts sent from “Jericho” fans. 

I’m asking you to please stick with comedies.  Seems to be mostly what you are good at.  Many of them last a long time!  It was even on your network that history was made during the finale of “M*A*S*H”.  I guess I thought that since all of your daytime dramas seem have a corner on the Daytime Emmy market – that just once, CBS would have a winner with a primetime drama.  Just wishful thinking on my part. 

No, I won’t be boycotting the products of the sponsors of “Moonlight”. It’s not their fault that you didn’t invest enough PR to get the show watched by viewers.  Not once did I hear of the principals of the show appearing on any news or talk shows to promote it.  You sort of dropped the ball on that one. 


Do you need PR people?  Is that the issue?  I’m sure there are lots of candidates who would be happy to have a job promoting wonderful primetime dramas. 

Good luck in future endeavors – you’re really going to need it!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:38 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 7:40 AM CDT
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Where I've been OR Tripod Ate My Stuff!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Blogging


I typed this wonderful post called “What My Mother Taught Me” last Friday in honor of Mother’s Day.  Filled with humor and love – BUT when I told Tripod to “publish” – I got the page that appears when you aren’t logged in to the internet like “you stupid fool, you need to connect for it to work!”  so I hit refresh.  And you know what happened?  It took me back to the blog – without the new post!  UGH! 


Earlier last week I was having difficulty so I thought it might be due to the fact I had very limited space left in my account which is why I deleted one of my photo albums.  Then I had plenty of space.  Is Tripod just being touchy lately?  As my sister would say “What IS the deal?”


All I know – I really don’t want to have to move this blog again!  I may start posting identical posts to my “Wendy’s Wonders” blog – now that it is allowing me back in to post.  (see link to the left under "My Other Stuff")


So did all of the Mom’s have a good Mother’s Day?  Did your family treat you to breakfast, lunch or dinner (or all three)?  Did you get the pampering you so deserve? 


Posted by wendylittrell at 7:32 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 15 May 2008 7:38 AM CDT
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Friday, 9 May 2008
Summer Movies
Mood:  hungry
Topic: Movies

Looks like a bunch of decent movies are being released this summer.  Have you picked what you will go see?  Or do you go to a movie each week - no matter what?  Do you like to see movies that are "blockbusters" or maybe ones that are critically acclaimed (more than likely blockbusters and ones the critics love are NOT the same!).

Here's what I would like to see this summer:

Ironman (have 2 males in the house who are chomping at the bit to see it!)

The Dark Knight

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Wall-E (looks cute enough for First Grader to enjoy)

Narnia: Prince Caspian

Hancock (Hey it's a Will Smith movie right before the 4th of July!)

X-Files 2 (Need I say more?)

Mummy 3

We'll see if we can see most of these at the theater.  Last summer I thought there were enough decent movies coming out to go to the movies quite a bit - unforunately between the price of tickets and scheduling - that didn't work out too well!


Posted by wendylittrell at 6:54 AM CDT
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Monday, 5 May 2008
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Blogging

Remember how I moaned & groaned about my other blog not letting me get in so I can post?  Well, for some odd reason (probably because google likes me now - who knows?!) - I can get into it now.  I still won't do much over there - BUT . . .

Google Adsense is now running Ads on my site.  For every click I get $$ - I don't know yet if you can just click all day from one ISP or not - but hey, it never hurts to try!

Besides - you never know what kind of good stuff is waiting behind door number 1, 2 or 3!  Give it a try (& help the cause!)

Go to:


Posted by wendylittrell at 3:38 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 3:42 PM CDT
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In Pictures
Mood:  cheeky
Topic: family

Here's the pictures from First Grader's Birthday last week!

It was an "Ironman" birthday!  Think I should have gotten an Ironman toy for First Grader's Papa as they both wanted to play with it! 

Speaking of the new celluloid Superhero - have you seen the movie yet?  Senior Daughter saw it on Friday evening & said it was awesome.  Reviews seem good and the movie had a great opening weekend.  I did hear a rumor - but I won't tell you what - just wait until the credits are over before leaving!




Posted by wendylittrell at 7:25 AM CDT
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*** UPDATED **** An Early Mother's Day!
Mood:  happy
Topic: holidays

Yes, next Sunday is Mother's Day - but I received a very unexpected early Mother's Day.  Photographer daughter brought me this big, beautiful bouquet of PURPLE daisies!  Have I mentioned that purple is my favorite color?  I hadn't ever seen purple daisies before!  Unfortunately the flash on my camera doesn't do them justice but when I do download my pictures, I will share! *****

She also gave me 2 very sweet and touching cards!  It's equally heartwarming when I get a "Nana" card!  Couldn't find them when I was a young girl for my grandmother, and they are still a little hard to find.

Then, awhile back, I posted this about my favorite movie and when I opened the gift Photographer daughter gave me - there it was!!!  Yes, I screamed (I was in my office . . . at church!).  Then I almost knocked her down by giving her a big hug!  Thankyou thankyou thankyou thankyou! 

And how was your weekend?

**** Here is a picture!  It was taken by Photographer Daughter!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:03 AM CDT
Updated: Monday, 5 May 2008 3:10 PM CDT
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Sunday, 4 May 2008
Mood:  cool
Topic: Blogging

Yesterday I had a horrible time trying to get into this blog or do anything with my tripod account.  Not sure if it was tripod or what.  If you had problems getting in - then I'm guessing it was a tripod thing.  Anyway by yesterday late afternoon everything seemed ok.

If you go looking for the "regular" photo album of photos I had on tripod, I've deleted it.  The amount of space was almost maxed out & since I'm not upgrading to a pay account, thought it was best to delete them.  I'll figure something else out - maybe put them on my photobucket or go to picasa or something.

Have a great day!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:46 AM CDT
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Friday, 2 May 2008
SPF (Stuffed Portrait Friday)
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Blogging

Kristine at Random and Odd has put up the Stuffed Portrait Friday and the topic is "Song".

"Solitary Man" by Neil Diamond (sorry, it's the American Idol songbook for the week!)  My husband at a church picnic playing his guitar.






"Danger Zone" by Kenny Loggins from the movie "Top Gun".  This was taken at the US Air Force Museum in Dayton, Ohio in 2005.  My family loves to sit in the aircrafts!




"The Wedding Song (There is Love)" by Paul Stookey.  Our wonderful friend, minister's wife and choir director, sang this for our reaffirmation wedding on April Fools Day in 1989. 




 Did You Play?  Go let Kristine Know!

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:42 AM CDT
Updated: Friday, 2 May 2008 12:54 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Happy Birthday First Grader!
Mood:  celebratory
Topic: family

First Grader turns 7 today - SEVEN?!  OMG!  When did that happen?  Just yesterday he was walking underneath the dining room table & sleeping in a crib.  When did he become this little man - full of questions and observations about the world around him?  I asked him a question about breakfast & his response, "yes please."  To say I smiled would be an understatement.  Somewhere in the last 7 years, between his mommy, his Papa, his uncle, his aunts and me - he heard us modeling good manners and has become a little gentleman.  First Grader has a very creative imagination.  Especially when it comes to Superheros!  He can make up different stories about Spiderman, Batman, and the rest of them without any prompting!  Since he became confident in his reading ability, not an item goes by that he doesn't try to read.  Cereal boxes, advertisements, birthday cards, street signs, garbage mail - you name it & he's probably read or tried to read it! 

Celebration will be held later today - cupcakes at school followed by the dinner he requested (our store's fried chicken, green beans & salad) and then chocolate cake with choclate icing & the opening of birthday presents!

Pictures to be posted soon!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:28 AM CDT
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Monday, 28 April 2008
Wonderful Weekend!
Mood:  bright
Topic: home

So how 'bout you?  My sis & her hubby visited for a bit on Saturday.  Granted they only live (less than) 2 hours away (on a good day with not much traffic) but now that they are both back to working full time and I have to be home before 3 for the bus to bring 1st grader home from school, it's rare that we see each other.  So we did the grillin' out thing - I say "we" - actually my wonderful husband did the manly grilling.  Had a good lunch and chatted awhile before they had to run some errands while they were in town before heading back north.  Then yesterday our church had the monthly pot-luck lunch which is always great.  There was a jazz band concert afterwards that we went to.  Wow - some great musicians and great music.  Listening to some of the "big band sounds" as I grew up - courtesy of my parents and grandparents - I developed a fondness for this type of music.  All I could think was my mom would really enjoy this - which is what I told her later when I talked with her.

Plus I was able to work on a little project I've been at for awhile and get the normal housecleaning, laundry chores done.

Two days before First Grader turns 7!  We've been on a countdown since April 1st!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:47 AM CDT
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