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« | October 2008 | » | ||||
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So this was one of the first weekends in a LONG time that I didn't have to be anywhere, do anything, or stay up late! Woo Hoo! I even got to sleep in late on Saturday morning thanks to the Son! Props to you!
The only place I went on Saturday was to McDonalds for a shake and one for 2nd grader grandson. Then on to the convenience store to get Husband a soda when I noticed gas was under $3. Since I was going to need some anyway, I filled up.
I managed to get 4 loads of laundry done on Saturday without anyone else waiting on me to finish and I got a drawer cleaned out in my bathroom vanity. Cleaned up the kitchen & fought that night with the dishwasher. Wheels on the rack keep falling off! Later that evening College Daughter declared that she had entered the "World of Mom" when the wheels fell off while she was loading the dishwasher!
Son and Photographer Daughter were together this weekend.
Well better go - the dropping kids at school thing!
Saturday was the annual Western Day event held in my town - or more specifically - the "old" part of town. This event has been around for a long time. When the kids were younger, we'd watch the parade & go over to the blocked off part of Main Street and wander through the shops, look at the vendor booths, maybe grab a corny dog or funnel cake, stop in the petting zoo, and then go home. Now it has become a full-fledged money making event for the city. When Main Street was being re-done several years ago to re-energize Old Town (as we call it), Western Day (used to be a whole weekend & called Western Days) was cancelled.
Back when my oldest girls were in middle school, we even went one year when one of them was on crutches. She'll never let me live that down!
Starting with this year (they're calling it the 3rd annual western day), they started charging admission unless you were a resident of the city. I wondered how they would control how and where people got in. I guess they ordered all the chain link fencing in Texas a lot of fencing and erected it all around Old Town. What a sight to see!
Gone are the dachshund races - which was one of my favorite parts of the event. Gone is the free stuff - bounce houses, petting zoo, kids' mini-train ride. In its place are ticket booths. Four tickets can allow a child to get in a bounce house for a little bit - and each ticket was $1 (OMG!). And it was so hot on Saturday!
I got us water & lemonade to the turn of over $10! That was for 3 of us.
Later in the day the parade came down Main Street. And to lead it off - 34 head of Longhorn cattle! Now that was impressive. I had never been that close to a Longhorn. Before the parade I snapeed some pictures of them while they were in their pen waiting to stampede walk slowly behind a police cruiser and a horseman to start the ball rolling. This was one of the largest parades in our town I've seen. Lasted almost an hour and had all sorts of organizations - Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, church groups, dance studios, firefighters drum corps, firefighters bag pipes, the high school marching band with the dancers and flag corps - you name it - they marched! By the time the parade was over, we were pretty hot and tired so we came home.
There had been a World Championship Tamale eating contest. The winner was from Minnesota & shared in a prize of almost $4000.
Now we get to do this all over again to celebrate the Christmas season when our "Old Town" decorates City Hall and the surrounding areas and launches "Holiday at the Hall" (formerly known as Old Town Stroll). Wonder how much they are going to try to soak us charge for this event?
Apparently, according to the masses who read this one person, I haven't been posting here enough - so will try to be a little more up to date with writing.
Even though we are in Texas - the north Texas area - we didn't get hardly anything from Ike last week. The day it wiped out Galveston and hammered Houston along with several other coastal cities, we had some rain and not a lot of that. However, up in the Midwest - by Sunday - they were getting hit really hard. I heard that the technical term for what happened in Ohio was a "dry" hurricane. Almost every single one of Ohio's counties was affected. Power was out for so many - and some are still without power. Word of advice for all those people who have electronic phones - go get a cheap-o regular phone & stash it someplace close to your phone plug-in so when the electricity goes out, you have a phone to plug in that will work!
Here at the Hello house, we haven't been as busy as we were for the last few weeks. That's always a good thing.
So since it's supposed to be Fall now, when do the leaves start changing colors and the temps get cool? Oh - right! I live in North Texas which means we have 2 seasons - VERY hot and the town has shut down because it's cold. Leaves don't change colors - they just fall. Temps don't get cool - it just teases us - promising that this is the day you can turn the a/c off & let the fresh air in. Only to find out mid-day that it is now too hot and your a/c will run overtime just trying to cool things off. I look at the bigger picture - we could have freezing cold weather half the year!
Tonight is the 3 hour (?!?!) opener for "Heroes" after waiting since last year. I guess there's a recap and then the 2 hour show. Thinking we probably won't watch it. Not only is my favorite PBS show on (History Detectives) but there's something afterwards on the beginnings of Warner Brothers Studios. Besides I also wanted to see the premiere of CSI:Miami - no, I don't think Horatio is dead. Seen that plot before somewhere else.
Have a good Monday and I promise I'll be back at least weekly to update everyone!
So the weekend was VERY busy - more so for Son than for us although there was a domino effect there. He had to work two different shifts on Saturday and I was sure he was going to fall over from being so tired yesterday but he held it together until about 7 & then went and crashed.
I woked up 15 minutes before I was supposed to have him at work this morning! AGH! But he got there 1 minute late - not bad for not speeding! Of course I think I got all the lights green & no traffic yet.
This evening I went to the PTA Board meeting. Where are all these new people that were supposed to be there? Also did some hocking selling school T-shirts and PTA memberships. And while you're buying this and filling out this envelope, how about signing up to actually DO something at the school! We all discussed how NO ONE on the board is a SAHM (or N - for "Nana" - in my case). We all work - most of them full time, some of us part time. The running joke was - all the SAHM's can't serve on the board because they are "too busy"! Ugh!
So tomorrow is shaping up to be relatively easy - no evening stuff.
And did I mention we finally got stuff dropping from the sky rain? All it did was make it steamy - and very humid. We need a nice cool rain that cools things off!
So how was your day?
Yes, folks - I've been extremely busy the last several weeks! It seems that as soon as we got back from vacation, we've gone from 0-100 in a peco second! One weekend was our grandson's 2nd birthday party at our house. The following weekend was the wedding of a good friend's daughter. In between that, my husband spent 3 weekends in 100+ degree weather working on his vehicle (wiring issues). There was the 2 1/2 day orientation I attended with College Daughter. Second Grader (formerly First Grader) Grandson had to get new school (& regular) clothes, shoes, supplies, and of course the annual picking out of a new superhero backpack (ok, he now has 3 Superman backpacks - anyone see a pattern?). And a superhero lunch box and thermos (he went with the "Hulk" on that!). Then we came to the discovery that College was starting really soon and College Daughter needed something to drive! So instead of waiting for a good time (there aren't any good times) - daughter and I drove around our town looking at cars.
So we went to Carmax (ok, this is a shameless plug for them!) - and they treated us VERY WELL. Now College Daughter has a nice pre-owned Hyundai that she's driving back and forth.
Second Grader Grandson is doing well at the brand new school building that was finished justintime for school to start. His 2nd grade teacher was my son's teacher way back when! And I think she's one of the greatest teachers there! Way to go, Ms. G! And of course since school has started that means PTA has started! Yes, I've already done PTA stuff - selling T-shirts during Meet the Teacher night the 2nd night of school and help sell school supply boxes the fisrt day of school. Next week is the board meeting and orientations that I need to help out at. We are never without something to do!
Work picked up quickly with mailing out almost 1000 brochures and putting out the monthly newsletter all on the same day this past week. I messed up on the timing of that! And I don't think I'm caught up yet!
And if you think that wasn't enough try this - back in the swing of mid-week Bible study (and somehow I volunteered to lead this session). Someone remind me how to say no! Some of us ladies got together mid-week to have lunch together.
I have managed to get a few things done around the house somehow. This next week my big project is going through Second Grader Grandson's dresser to weed out all the too small clothes & get all that organized.
Oh, yeah & we're now working around not only our schedule, College Daughter's schedule and Second Grader Grandson's schedule, but our Son's work schedule!
No wonder I've had an eye twitch that's lasted a couple weeks. If you see me in a corner drooling and twitching, you know I've gone too far over the edge!
We've had lovely rain the last few days! After a very DRY July, we are in dire need of this. Our grass, plants and trees are already greening up - this after we were sure some of it was going to die. I noticed my calla lillies are HUGE now! I think it's going to be dry again for the weekend though & that's ok as we need to go car shopping.
Found out today that the fall tuition for College Bound Daughter is all taken care of (thank goodness for student/parent loans!) That is one thing I can stop stressing over.
I've been busy working on the Genea-blogger group games over on Facebook the last several days. The "games" (in conjunction with the Olympics) end on Friday evening. I have at least one more task to complete that I set as one of my goals. Head over to my genealogy blog to get the scoop (see link on the left).
Now to give you all a laugh - I decided to fix chicken for supper this evening & turned the oven to 300 degrees at 2:30. I got the chicken prepped & put in a small roaster pan & stuck it in the oven & walked away. At 4 I wondered why I didn't smell chicken cooking. Well, DUH! I had forgotten to turn the knob to "bake"! How silly is that?!
Found out yesterday that my 30th High School reunion will be next August. Have had the home town team meeting monthly since the spring organizing it. One gal who has done a lot for all the other reunions said she'd help but she just couldn't go through it all again so several took it upon themselves to organize. I think the class will be very happy with the plans. It also helps that one of our class mates owns a club for our Friday night bash. That saves a lot! The reunion itself is being held at the same place my mom's alumna hold their reunions & I know from her, that the price is really reasonable. Which sure beats the $40 price we had to pay 10 years ago at the 20th (no offense to anyone but a lot of people didn't go in to eat dinner & just showed up after dinner for nothing - I really didn't blame them!)
Second grader is all excited about school starting on Monday. Brand new building - I haven't even been it as they've had a small water leak & have been busy getitng it all ready before Monday. I'm supposed to "work" Monday morning showing kids to their classes so I'd at least like to see part of it this week. College Bound daughter starts college on Monday. Son is sick today so he stayed home from work to catch up on sleep (after a graveyard shift the other night) & to get to feeling better. Photographer daughter has a new job doing - wait for it - photography! She's working at a dept. store photography studio real close to where she lives & she says her job rocks! Florida Daughter is dealing with some personal issues at the moment - so all my good thoughts & love are with her.
So what have you been up to?
So my weekends have been very busy lately! The end of July I spent 2 1/2 days with College Bound Daughter at College Orientation. Then went to a wedding shower for the daughter of a close friend. Last weekend was 2 year old grandson's birthday and party at our house. Not to mention that Florida Son has now become "Moved Home" Son. He has a new job and has been getting used to the new (very early) schedule (so have I!). This weekend is the wedding of our close friends' daughter. It's also Texas Tax Free weekend so we will be spending time fighting the rest of the world cooperating with the rest of North Texas in the stores! The weekend after this is the last week of freedom for 2nd Grade Grandson and College Bound Daughter before embarking on a new year of school and a brand new experience in higher education. Sometime between now and then we need to go get another car.
And the weather - all this consecutive "over 100 degree" days are for the birds! At least we are getting some relief in the mornings.
Have you been following the Olympics? Our household is rooting for Team USA and of course, Michael Phelps, all the way!
I've also been doing some organization on my genealogy stuff (check out the genealogy blog - link on left - to see what I've been doing).
Oh & I also baked a chocolate, peanut butter cake yesterday & it was yummy!
(I'm still irritated - see the post below!)
But I'm excited about the new CDs! Yesterday 2 of my favorite artists released new CD's. "Along Came A Spider" is Alice Cooper's new one.
Back to his roots of "horror" rock. The theme concerns Steven (character from the "Welcome to My Nightmare" and "Goes to Hell"). You can go to to read more about the new CD. I won't post it here as I'll get all kinds of weird hits! I think my favorite is "Salvation" which is more ballad-y and "Vengeance is Mine" - which is heavy metal.
Rick Springfield released "Venus in Overdrive" - which is being hailed as his best work ever. The new single, "What's Victoria's Secret" (WVS) is being played and promoted everywhere! Monday he was on Good Morning America. He's also done "On the Record" and will be doing lots more radio and television promotions. The highlight (besides the CD being released) yesterday was one of his altar egos - Eli Love - singing the new single on General Hospital. That was actually the first chance I've had to hear the entire song. If you listen closely you can hear a couple riffs that remind you of "Jessie's Girl". Head over to to hear some of these great songs and get more information!
Both artists are on tour right now so check your local venues. If either or both are headed to your town, make sure you get a chance to hear them live in concert. Both have amazing personal concert experiences, and leave you wanting more.
If you are a fan of either (or both, as I am!) make sure you pass the word and urge them to buy the CDs or download them.
As of last night "Venus in Overdrive" was #13 on Amazon's bestseller list and "Along Came A Spider" was #18! Let's all push them both up to the top!