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Alice Cooper Concert
Things to Do
Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Monday, 8 September 2008
Still Busy - but Getting Better!
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Doo Wop's Greatest - on PBS
Topic: Things to Do

So the weekend was VERY busy - more so for Son than for us although there was a domino effect there.  He had to work two different shifts on Saturday and I was sure he was going to fall over from being so tired yesterday but he held it together until about 7 & then went and crashed.

I woked up 15 minutes before I was supposed to have him at work this morning! AGH!  But he got there 1 minute late - not bad for not speeding!  Of course I think I got all the lights green & no traffic yet.

This evening I went to the PTA Board meeting.  Where are all these new people that were supposed to be there?  Also did some hocking selling school T-shirts and PTA memberships.  And while you're buying this and filling out this envelope, how about signing up to actually DO something at the school!  We all discussed how NO ONE on the board is a SAHM (or N - for "Nana" - in my case).  We all work - most of them full time, some of us part time.  The running joke was - all the SAHM's can't serve on the board because they are "too busy"!  Ugh!

So tomorrow is shaping up to be relatively easy - no evening stuff. 

And did I mention we finally got stuff dropping from the sky rain?  All it did was make it steamy - and very humid.  We need a nice cool rain that cools things off!

So how was your day?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:27 PM CDT
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