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Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Monday, 22 September 2008
It's a New Post!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: nothing - it's quiet!
Topic: home

Apparently, according to the masses who read this one person, I haven't been posting here enough - so will try to be a little more up to date with writing.

Even though we are in Texas - the north Texas area - we didn't get hardly anything from Ike last week.  The day it wiped out Galveston and hammered Houston along with several other coastal cities, we had some rain and not a lot of that.  However, up in the Midwest - by Sunday - they were getting hit really hard.  I heard that the technical term for what happened in Ohio was a "dry" hurricane.  Almost every single one of Ohio's counties was affected.  Power was out for so many - and some are still without power.  Word of advice for all those people who have electronic phones - go get a cheap-o regular phone & stash it someplace close to your phone plug-in so when the electricity goes out, you have a phone to plug in that will work!

Here at the Hello house, we haven't been as busy as we were for the last few weeks.  That's always a good thing. 

So since it's supposed to be Fall now, when do the leaves start changing colors and the temps get cool?  Oh - right!  I live in North Texas which means we have 2 seasons - VERY hot and the town has shut down because it's cold.  Leaves don't change colors - they just fall.  Temps don't get cool - it just teases us - promising that this is the day you can turn the a/c off & let the fresh air in.  Only to find out mid-day that it is now too hot and your a/c will run overtime just trying to cool things off.  I look at the bigger picture - we could have freezing cold weather half the year!

Tonight is the 3 hour (?!?!) opener for "Heroes" after waiting since last year.  I guess there's a recap and then the 2 hour show.  Thinking we probably won't watch it.  Not only is my favorite PBS show on (History Detectives) but there's something afterwards on the beginnings of Warner Brothers Studios.  Besides I also wanted to see the premiere of CSI:Miami - no, I don't think Horatio is dead.  Seen that plot before somewhere else.

Have a good Monday and I promise I'll be back at least weekly to update everyone!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:49 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 23 September 2008 - 1:06 PM CDT

Name: "teresa"

today andy and i are going to get our photos done at work. yes i am on duty but only have 2 appointments tonight...easy breezy!

i am updating my blog as we speak! keep up with that one too!

 will we still see ya saturday now that i got to work until 5pm? you never wrote back on my email!

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