
Now Playing: something on Louisiana on PBS
Topic: Weather
We've had lovely rain the last few days! After a very DRY July, we are in dire need of this. Our grass, plants and trees are already greening up - this after we were sure some of it was going to die. I noticed my calla lillies are HUGE now! I think it's going to be dry again for the weekend though & that's ok as we need to go car shopping.
Found out today that the fall tuition for College Bound Daughter is all taken care of (thank goodness for student/parent loans!) That is one thing I can stop stressing over.
I've been busy working on the Genea-blogger group games over on Facebook the last several days. The "games" (in conjunction with the Olympics) end on Friday evening. I have at least one more task to complete that I set as one of my goals. Head over to my genealogy blog to get the scoop (see link on the left).
Now to give you all a laugh - I decided to fix chicken for supper this evening & turned the oven to 300 degrees at 2:30. I got the chicken prepped & put in a small roaster pan & stuck it in the oven & walked away. At 4 I wondered why I didn't smell chicken cooking. Well, DUH! I had forgotten to turn the knob to "bake"! How silly is that?!
Found out yesterday that my 30th High School reunion will be next August. Have had the home town team meeting monthly since the spring organizing it. One gal who has done a lot for all the other reunions said she'd help but she just couldn't go through it all again so several took it upon themselves to organize. I think the class will be very happy with the plans. It also helps that one of our class mates owns a club for our Friday night bash. That saves a lot! The reunion itself is being held at the same place my mom's alumna hold their reunions & I know from her, that the price is really reasonable. Which sure beats the $40 price we had to pay 10 years ago at the 20th (no offense to anyone but a lot of people didn't go in to eat dinner & just showed up after dinner for nothing - I really didn't blame them!)
Second grader is all excited about school starting on Monday. Brand new building - I haven't even been it as they've had a small water leak & have been busy getitng it all ready before Monday. I'm supposed to "work" Monday morning showing kids to their classes so I'd at least like to see part of it this week. College Bound daughter starts college on Monday. Son is sick today so he stayed home from work to catch up on sleep (after a graveyard shift the other night) & to get to feeling better. Photographer daughter has a new job doing - wait for it - photography! She's working at a dept. store photography studio real close to where she lives & she says her job rocks! Florida Daughter is dealing with some personal issues at the moment - so all my good thoughts & love are with her.
So what have you been up to?