Mood: caffeinated
Now Playing: Pirates of the Carribean - At World's End
Topic: home
So now it's Post - Graduation and you'd think I have time now to get things done. Not necessarily so! One of my goals through this summer is to document and scan in a lot of the old photos and letters and other documents I have in my possession. Last week I managed to scan in about 100 photographs and 8 months worth of letters that my grandparents wrote to my parents from Germany.
We also got to enjoy an evening with friends on Saturday evening. There are a total of four of us couples who get together periodically -there used to be five. We lost the wife almost two years ago and her husband passed away this past December. So the few times we've been together since then, we always drink a toast or remember them in some way. We've all been friends about ten years and have gone through many things together. Things that have bonded us and made our ties to each other stronger.
In weather related news - only one word - HOT! At least when we got a little (& that truly is an understatement!) rain last week, it cooled things down for the evenings.
In shopping news - I understand how easy it is to order stuff on-line. But I really don't want to order clothing over the web. I want to see it, touch it & try it on first. Oh, I know it's easy to return items (for the most part) - it's just the effort you have to put in. Re-packaging the merchandise, taking it to the Post Office, and usually paying for shipping. And make sure you put all the proper paperwork inside as well.
The grandsons played in the sprinkler on Sunday afternoon. Photographer daughter bought the cutest sprinkler system. The two boys had a great time! They were so cute. Unfortunately it was just way too hot to be outside for longer than we were.
If I'm not here, I'm at the other place -
All My Branches Genealogy Blog. Come and say hi!