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Alice Cooper Concert
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Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Thursday, 31 January 2008
Random Stuff
Mood:  spacey
Topic: family
  • First grader came home feeling bad on Tuesday, had a low grade fever, dr. on Wed. a.m., no flu (thank goodness!), only a sinus infection (hey, it can be treated with antibiotics!), spent 98% of day on couch watching movies, sleeping or looking bored!  Back at school today.
  • "Lost" was a recap last night, was too funny, someone apparently had the wit to insert text at the bottom of the screen throughout the recap - which recapped even better than what we were watching. "And since there's a break in the credits, let's talk about . . ." was just one of the funny lines.  Can't wait for this evening. DON'T CALL ME BETWEEN 7-9 P.M. central time!
  • No homecooked meal for the masses yesterday - I had to meet with someone at work before 5:30 so we did a quick run through at the Arby's drive-thru.  Love those roast beef sandwiches (especially when they are on sale).
  • I drank all the orange juice - should have warned Senior Daughter as she went to get some later & there wasn't any! Sorry!
  • Senior Daughter will officially be out of school in March.  Hopefully (for her) she'll get more hours through the week at work.
  • Got all the tax info - now I can prepare our tax return.  I'm hoping for anything back - hate to pay! But one thing - if I get it prepared early & we do see that we have to pay - still have a few months to get the cash together!
  • Think hubby is coming down with a cold. I'm being optimistic tho & hoping it's allergies with the way the wind here in North Texas has been whipping crap everywhere.
  • And speaking of the wind blowing crap - whose box blew into my yard?  It's empty, rather big, looks like any other cardboard box.  I'll let it go because it's really not your fault that it's here. I had to drive down the street on Tuesday looking for my trash can which a wonderful neighbor found lying in the street & at least moved to the sidewalk out of the way of people driving. Thank you, kind neighbor!
  • "Days of Our Lives" is getting good - today Shirley Jones will make her debut as the "thought she was dead" Colleen Brady.  Love Shirley Jones!
  • Did I mention "Lost" begins tonight?  Did I also mention that you should NOT CALL ME between 7-9 p.m.?  Ok, good, just want to make sure. 

See ya all later!

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:01 AM CST
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