
Topic: home
So the Channel 5 (& 4, 8 & 11) weather folks were either wrong or a last minute air pocket or something pushed this stuff away from us, or around us or made it stop mid-freeze. That's not to say it's not cold - it is cold! This is the type of cold I braved many months out of the year growing up in Southwestern Ohio - along with the snow that came with it. In fact if I remember correctly, the day the '78 blizzard hit & school was cancelled, it was colder than it is now & by 6 p.m. I had cabin fever so bad that I called my friend who lived 5 blocks away & decided to "hang" at her house. And I walked those 5 blocks - all bundled up with a hat, gloves & scarf - but didn't complain about the cold. For one - we got out of school & the other - by the time I was 16, I was used to the cold in winter time. Now I think of creative ways NOT to have to go out in the cold!
1st grader really wants it to snow so he can make a snowman! Thank goodness we got him gloves for Christmas! But I just don't see the snow thing happening for awhlie. Generally it's been late January through mid-February when we've seen the type of freezing rain/ice that closes schools, makes everyone stay inside, and ties of the local news ALL DAY. It's like no one has ever seen winter weather before. Last year on our "ice & snow" day, the local news covered it from early morning clear through the mid-day news. It was the same story over & over again. They showed the same footage of cars sliding on overpasses or fender benders. I want the news to get out in the neighborhoods to show what the road conditions are like down Main St. I knew a co-worker many, many years ago who didn't come to work when it had snowed because they couldn't get out of their driveway or street. Didn't matter that the main roads were all clear & sanded. The boss, of course, was less than sympathetic as all the roads he traveled were clear.
I've also realized the farther north you live (in this D/FW Metroplex) - the worse the weather can be. It can be freezing rain & black ice north of the airport but go south a little bit & the sun is out. Go figure!
So what are your plans on this cold, chilly - still dry - day?