
Topic: work
So yesterday my church honored me with a cake, flowers & card for being the admin. assist. for 10 years! It was very touching and sweet. I felt a little like Sally Field when she won her Oscars - "You like me! You really like me!" There were folks who told me that I was the first person they met when they walked in the church doors & that I was so welcoming & warm to them, they continued to come back. My reply - "And you're still here! I didn't run you off!" Since I live (for the most part) quite a distance from family (or have most of the time I've been a member at the church - almost 17 years) - these people are like family. I find that I genuinely care about each one of them. I've hurt for them. I've grieved with them when they've lost someone close to them. I rejoice with them. I can honestly say that this has been the perfect job for me. Actually it's hard for me to consider it "work". It's a real joy going into the office. I feel more like I'm serving than working. And I get paid for doing what I love! After working in the corporate world many years ago, I do not miss the politics that go along with it or the constant back-biting, gossip or rumors. My schedule can be pretty flexible if I need it to be. I wish I could thank each person who has contributed to making my "job" so easy and so much fun. Thank you all!