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Alice Cooper Concert
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Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Friday, 4 April 2008
34 Years Ago Yesterday
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Weather

Should have posted this yesterday but I was too busy grocery shopping & cleaning up grandson's room.  So for the sake of argument - let's say today is April 3rd (it's not - it's Apr. 4th). 

April 3, 1974

Season of Lent, a Wednesday, start of Tornado Season in the Midwest. 

Scene: Gym of a Junior High School, mid-week sock-hop in full swing. Outside the weather is muggy, humid, the sky is green, rumors are flying about bad weather and tornadoes.

I was in 7th grade and 90% of the students at my Jr. High had stayed after school for the mid-week sock-hop.  The back door to the gym was open so some of us kept standing there looking out at the sky as others would approach & tell us they "heard" there were tornado warnings/touch-downs/etc. in towns close to us.

Then the Principal came on the PA System.  A tornado had hit Xenia, Ohio (town right next to mine).  Our parents were outside waiting to pick us up.  Go quickly but safely.  Most of us had left our books, etc. in our lockers so we quickly spread out over the school to retrieve our stuff & then leave.

When I got in the car, Mom said she'd stood at the back door of our house & watched the wall cloud/ funnel cloud / tornado head toward Xenia.  We wondered about Lenten services at church that night.  We wondered how bad Xenia was hit.  An F5 had hit the town - though we didn't know it immediately.

We did go to our church services that evening - we met in the basement as the clouds still looked pretty ominous. It wasn't until later & the next day that we really knew the damage.  Thirty-three people were killed, over a thousand injured.  To this day the residents of Xenia are panicked at the sound of a tornado siren.

For more information on this tornado visit:

and go to Youtube, search for Xenia Tornado to see the real thing and how horrible it was.

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:42 AM CDT
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Mood:  incredulous
Topic: home

I swear I'm going to add a new topic for weather as most of my posts lately seem to revolve around this crazy Texas Spring Weather!

If you were anywhere in Tarrant, Denton or Collin Counties around 3-4 a.m. - then you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Geez, I'm so tired I can't type!

About 3:20 there was a BOOM so loud it shook the house followed by a big flash of lightning & what sounded like a ton of rocks pummeling the house.  Needless to say, husband & I shot straight out of bed like we'd been poked with a red hot branding iron!  Grandson was sitting straight up in bed asking what that was.  In my still half asleep, adrenaline surged awakeness (that really does NOT make sense!) I staggered (more like looked like a drunk trying to walk a straight line!) out to the living room to turn on the weather report & peek outside.  Quarter size hail was ALL over the yard - I have a picture - will post later.  Rain was coming down in sheets.  Our wonderful weather guy on the local CBS affiliate - Pete - was explaining that the lightning strikes were right over my town - no DUH!  Ya think!  Winds were up to 70 mph+  Husband went back to bed, grandson went back to bed & I watched for another 10 minutes until the storm had subsided & was moving north east of us. 

So I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open but the adrenaline that shot me out of bed is making it hard for me to actually get back to sleep.  What a predicament.  So finally I get all comfy again & go back to sleep. Next thing I know husband is telling me it's time to get up.  I didn't shoot straight out of bed again, but it sure seemed like it. 

There's only one problem when I get woke up like that. Somehow it makes me feel really ucky.  Nauseous type yucky.  Hopefully this will pass & be better before too long. 

So did you sleep through the storm?  Any damage to your home, cars, plants, dogs, cats, etc?

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:40 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 2 April 2008
New Furniture - Possibly!
Mood:  happy
Topic: home

So if you've been reading here for awhile, you know we got new furniture last fall.  Wonderful reclining sofa & loveseat (I guess the new term is "motion" sofa).  Anyhow - the day it was delivered & even before the delivery men left, I sat on the end of the sofa & raised the leg rest.  Oops - something was wrong.  It didn't come up easily & I had to stand up, move the side a little & it worked.  Putting it down was the same in reverse.  So under our warranty, I called the store & told them about the problem.  A week later the furniture technician (I didn't know there was such a thing!) came out to investigate.  He messed around with it for about an hour.  Mentioned that it might not be level.  Hello . . . !!!! Nothing in my home is level!  But still - to me it seemed like it was "sprung".  So he said he'd tell the home office & that was that.  Never heard another word.  Hubby said he would see what he could do to fix it.  Anyway about a week ago I got a call from the store.  They told me the part was on back-order to fix it & wasn't sure if it was ever going to come in.  So we had a choice - live with it or replace the entire sofa.  We decided to replace it.  Then the nice person on the other end said that our sofa & loveseat had been discontinued so we could pick out another set.  I went on line this past weekend to see if there was anything else comparable to what we have now - the color, style, the "motion".  Sure enough there is so all I need to do is go to the store, tell them what I want & wait for it to be delivered!  I guess waiting umpteen years for new furniture does have its rewards!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:25 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 1 April 2008
April Fools!
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: family

Do you play April Fools jokes on anyone? 

As a kid in school, it was fun (annoying for the adults) to "April Fools!" a teacher or parent.  Most of the time they took it good naturedly - after all - most of the jokes were pretty lame.

As an adult, my dear husband and I reaffirmed our wedding vows on April Fools Day!  No, it wasn't meant to be funny!  We had been married almost a year (went to JP) and were going to have our "church wedding" so when asked to pick a date, I said first Saturday in April.  Little did I realize until I looked at a calendar that it was going to be April Fools! 

Then many years ago we did an April Fools on my husband - wasn't funny to him tho!  He'd been traveling a lot & it seemed that every time he came back from a business trip, something in the house had broken, flooded, etc.  He'd been home a week or so and had fixed something - probably had to do with water as we've always had water issues of some sort!  The April Fool had something to do with it either breaking again or not working or something (see, I can't even remember - that's how memorable it was!).  He got this panicked look on his face and I waited a couple beats before shouting April Fools!  I know he didn't think it was too funny. Which is probably why I don't play those type of jokes!  I'm not really that good at it!

But if you look at my picture from yesterday - that definitely was not an April Fools joke!  Yes, we are alright - nothing touched down close to us.  Nothing even got blown away or over or down the street or anything.  No hail for us either - although a town toward the lake got ping-pong size hail.  And I heard that we'll probably be getting more bad weather this week. 

When I was a teenager in Junior High - an F5 tornado hit the town next us.  For footage of that actual event - check out this youtube video.

Stay safe, keep dry, have a good April Fools Day!


Posted by wendylittrell at 6:41 AM CDT
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Monday, 31 March 2008
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: home


Luckily - it kept going. Unfortunately it headed toward another town north east of us.  And as I reported earlier this month about March coming in like a lion - well it's not going out like a lamb - more like a dragon!  Hope everyone else in the North Texas area fared ok!


Posted by wendylittrell at 6:03 PM CDT
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Friday, 28 March 2008
They want How much for a mandatory Orientation?
Mood:  irritated
Topic: family

So Senior Daughter has been accepted at the school of her choice - luckily it is a state university and it's only 20 minutes away - so we won't be going through the whole going "away" to college thing here at the "Hello" house.  She & I attended a "tour" already - which consisted of a very quick walk through the campus where much loud construction was happening making it very hard to hear the little girl they had giving us information.  Not to worry - Photographer Daughter attended a program at the same campus when she was a Freshman in High School and I saw more then than I did ths time.  Then Senior Daughter & I went to a "Preview" - which was a little more involved and including sitting in classrooms listening to professors talk about that major or college.  Out of that, Sr. Daughter sort of has decided what major she wants.  She's all fired up with school spirit.  Now we get to go to a "mandatory" orientation.  This will be a 2.5 days type of thing - complete with "meeting other freshman" socials and "parent" dinners and socials.  She is also obligated to spend 2 nights in a dorm.  Which - she will not be living in when she goes to school there - I mean we are only 20 minutes away & why spend that much money on a bed somewhere else when her bed here is basically free?  Plus - allergy wise - she doesn't do well in strange beds or in strange rooms and irritability wise - she doesn't do well with people she doesn't know - especially to spend the night in the same room with them.  She jokes that they'll be calling me saying my daughter made her room mate sleep in the hall!  And I'm not sure that's much of a joke! 

On the Upside to all of this - she gets a very compacted "what life will be like" as a Freshman experience.  On the Downside - the cost.  Are you KIDDING me?  And you want most of tuition paid at the same time?  And why do I want to spend my evening in a room full of other college parents?  I have no issue with being involved - but face it - this isn't elementary school PTA or that sort of involvement.  Talking with a friend's daughter who is just finishing up her first year at this same school, she admitted that the orientation is too long, some of the things just aren't needed, and they could have compacted it to 1.5-2 days. 

Now just so you know - I've already done this with Photographer daughter - however it was for another unversity - about 3 blocks away from where Senior Daughter will go.  Their orientation was one day & a half.  I think there was some cost involved but probably for the meals more than anything else. 

I once claimed that I'm not 18 anymore so I stay off of roller coasters - but I think this one is just now getting started & it's going to be bigger & badder than anything Six Flags can throw at me.

I'm taking donations . . . .just saying!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:40 AM CDT
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Thursday, 27 March 2008
Out Like a Lamb? Yeah Right!
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: home

The old saying about March - In like a lion, out like a lamb?  All I can say right now is - are you kidding me?

The wind has been whipping all night long - wonder if my trash cans are still standing?  I know our outdoor patio chairs have been toppled & sent flying into the yard. 

I kept telling the dog that I was glad she wasn't a little bitty thing or she would have blown away.  Envisioning a teeny little dog getting picked up by the wind & sent flying somehow makes me giggle!  And please don't email me about hating dogs & that thought makes me a bad person.  I wouldn't really want to see that happen.  I love dogs & couldn't fathom how I would feel if it was my dog who got blown into the next town.  But in a cartoon, movie-ish kind of way (insert caveat: No Animals Were Hurt In The Making of This Stupid Thought) - it is sort of funny.

The wind whipping & all the horrible things it does to my hair reminds me of when we went on vacation several years ago.  We were on our way from my in-laws to my mom's (a 11 hour drive).  Had no air conditioning so we had the windows down.  By the time we got to my mother's house, my hair was a bird's nest of tangles.  And what does she say as soon as we walk in?  Something about how my hair was a mess & did I ever comb it?  Note to all who actually see me day in & day out - especially on windy days:  If I am going to be in & out a lot - then I'm probably not going to bother too much with my hair.  It doesn't take much to frizz it or tangle it.  Be nice - say nothing to me!  It will eventually get combed.  But unless you are in my home when you see me - the likelihood is you are seeing me OUT and about which means I will have been OUT in the wind (rain, snow, hurricane like weather - well you get the picture). 

And as Forrest Gump once said, "And that's all I'm going to say about that."

Have a nice day - don't blow away!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:34 AM CDT
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Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Where Have I Been?
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: home

No, I haven't been somewhere exotic for Spring Break.  Actually, I don't think I've ever been anywhere for Spring Break! Generally because the People Who Pay the Bills Adults in this house don't get a spring break!  Sad, I know!  In fact Spring Break week was actually the first "normal" week I've had in almost a month (thanks to cars breaking down & other issues that I won't write about for the entire world to read).  Other than having kids at home & not at school.  Senior Daughter has a raging case of Senioritis.  She only has this week & next left before she's all done with high school.  We've gone through this twice before - two of the other kids finished high school early.  So this is nothing new in this house. 

I have managed to clean house & do laundry & make dinners that have been edible.  For Easter we did the coloring easter eggs & then the Bunny paid us a visit.  Went to early Church service & then the Easter Breakfast & regular church service.  I had put a chicken in the crock pot early that morning (read - I was still half asleep!).  My sister & brother-in-law dropped by.  Very short visit but it was good.  I really need to take a Saturday to go visit her. 

Have many birthdays coming up in April.  My dad turns 29 for the umpteenth time!  My father-in-law and our son-in-law share their birthday with Tax Day!  Our grandson will be a teenager soon!  And First Grader grandson will be 7.  You know six was sure different.  Saying that he's going to be seven just about floors me!

Hubby has been carpooling last couple weeks.  The first week was out of necessity as his vehicle was having the transmission rebuilt.  But this is a good thing.  Using less gas & speaking of which - I've discovered what we are all going to be using our tax "incentive" checks on - GASOLINE! 

Last night was the last "Jericho".  At least they wrapped it up pretty neatly.  There is an opening there in case it gets picked up by a cable station or something.  Still not happy it was cancelled (again!)  At least we are getting new shows of most of everything else.  I think "CSI" starts new shows next week along with several others on CBS.  Have to wait until the end of April for more new "Lost" episodes.  Maybe by the time that starts "CSI" will be done (so it doesn't conflict!)

So what did you do for Spring Break?

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:41 AM CDT
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
When Not to Call . . .
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: home

Just a note on when I probably won't pick up the phone & if I do, I may not be very thrilled:

  • 5-5:30 p.m. : I'm on the phone (generally) with my mother, so I won't be switching over to take your call.  Leave a message. If you don't ask me to call back, I probably won't.
  • Thursday evening from 8-9 p.m.  I'm watching "Lost".
  • Tuesdays when American Idol is on & also Wed. during the results show.

There - I think that about covers it!  Just saying  . .  .

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:51 AM CDT
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Close to You
Mood:  happy
Topic: family

Y'all remember the Carpenter's song - Close to You?  Yeah, I'm dating myself.  Yesterday was my baby girl's 18th birthday!  When she was a baby and toddler, my husband would sing that song to her - especially on her birthday.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true.
So they sprinkled moondust in your hair
Of gold and starlight in your eyes of blue

No, she didn't have blonde hair - in fact when she was born she had very dark, black curly hair (which is now a lot lighter brown color). But she did have blue eyes - great big dark, sapphire color eyes (now they are green - like her father's). 

I mention the Carpenter's song because my baby girl heard that verse of the song again yesterday - on the 18th anniversary of her birth.  A birth that was stressful, difficult and took basically 4 days!  The first time I'd had an epidural or a sedative during labor.  And she was the 4th child!  I often joke that if she'd been first - with all the trouble I had - she might have been the last! 

She's no "baby" any longer. She has grown into a remarkable, self-assured, very poised young woman with a future of exciting possibilities waiting for her to grab and take hold.  I marvel at her raw honesty and common sense. Oh, to have had a 1/10 of her common sense at that age!  I know quite a bit is because she is the youngest of the kids watching her siblings grow and learning from them.

In the last few years, she's grown from a teen who would never be caught in a dress (I tended to believe this was due to the fact that being my last child and a little girl who I dressed in a frilly dresses as a baby and toddler) to a young woman who now has a few dresses in her closet!  She's gone from being moody 24/7 to filling a room with her laughter more times than not. 

Whatever she dreams for herself, I hope she gains.  Happy (day late) birthday, my Senior Daughter! 

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:50 AM CDT
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