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Friday, 4 April 2008
34 Years Ago Yesterday
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Weather

Should have posted this yesterday but I was too busy grocery shopping & cleaning up grandson's room.  So for the sake of argument - let's say today is April 3rd (it's not - it's Apr. 4th). 

April 3, 1974

Season of Lent, a Wednesday, start of Tornado Season in the Midwest. 

Scene: Gym of a Junior High School, mid-week sock-hop in full swing. Outside the weather is muggy, humid, the sky is green, rumors are flying about bad weather and tornadoes.

I was in 7th grade and 90% of the students at my Jr. High had stayed after school for the mid-week sock-hop.  The back door to the gym was open so some of us kept standing there looking out at the sky as others would approach & tell us they "heard" there were tornado warnings/touch-downs/etc. in towns close to us.

Then the Principal came on the PA System.  A tornado had hit Xenia, Ohio (town right next to mine).  Our parents were outside waiting to pick us up.  Go quickly but safely.  Most of us had left our books, etc. in our lockers so we quickly spread out over the school to retrieve our stuff & then leave.

When I got in the car, Mom said she'd stood at the back door of our house & watched the wall cloud/ funnel cloud / tornado head toward Xenia.  We wondered about Lenten services at church that night.  We wondered how bad Xenia was hit.  An F5 had hit the town - though we didn't know it immediately.

We did go to our church services that evening - we met in the basement as the clouds still looked pretty ominous. It wasn't until later & the next day that we really knew the damage.  Thirty-three people were killed, over a thousand injured.  To this day the residents of Xenia are panicked at the sound of a tornado siren.

For more information on this tornado visit:

and go to Youtube, search for Xenia Tornado to see the real thing and how horrible it was.

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:42 AM CDT
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Thursday, 10 April 2008 - 9:30 AM CDT

Name: "apathy lounge"
Home Page:

Big storms here last night. Trees down everywhere. The wind awakened us and we turned on the weather just to see if a tornado was on its way.

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