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Saturday, 8 November 2008
Irritated in General
Mood:  irritated
Topic: home

Remember the eye twitch I wrote about a month or so ago?  Well, it went away.  I was driving one day & realized my eye hadn't twitched in a few days.  Well that lasted all of about 3 weeks. Now it's back again.  Talk about irritating.  It doesn't help that one of my lights at work flickers either.  Sometimes I'm not sure if it's my eye twitching or the flickering making it seem as if my eye is twitching. Either way I'm really irritated about it.  Haven't made it to the corner drooling yet, but I'm sure that's coming.

The good news is - I get away for a week soon!  Maybe my eye will stop twitching on my mini-vacation with my sister.  Or possibly not - depends on the trip and how high her stress level is.

Not much else going on here.  I'm tired of trying to figure out what to cook.  Although I have made a list of stuff for the people who live here to fix while I'm gone.  I can plan for others better than I can for myself!  And why am I the only one who empties the dishwasher or reloads it?  Oh, yeah - because the wheels fall off on the lower rack all the time & it seems I am the only one who really wants to mess with it.  Ok, that's not necessarily true.  I've come home several times & found that someone has emptied the DW & reloaded it.  I need to focus on that - that other people who live here do help.  Thank you to the people who do that.  I do appreciate that.

And one more thing I'm irritated about - the stupid Post Office.  Well, not the PO in general - just the sub postal person we have.  Why did I get every single piece of my next door neighbor's mail yesterday & none of mine?  Where did our mail go?  Did someone else get it & not bring it to us or did they throw it away or put it back in the box directing the postal carrier to deliver correctly?  Ugh!  And every time I complain, the stupid "manager" person basically tells me that the postal carrier said they delivered it - so we must have gotten it & I'm just lying.  They are right & we are wrong.  No wonder people go into post offices with guns!  No - I'm not going to - I can just understand the motives.  I thought the postal carriers had to study & pass all these tests before they go out on a route - can they not see that 16 & 17 are NOT the same?  I don't care if the first name for both houses is the same.  I also get mail addressed to people with the same house number but different streets.  Ugh!  Maybe I should write to the post master general.  No wonder people don't use the postal system as much as they used to.

Maybe I'm done ranting - maybe not, only time will tell (& this stupid eye twitch).

Posted by wendylittrell at 10:46 AM CST
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Saturday, 8 November 2008 - 1:46 PM CST

Name: "teresa"

1) maybe you were thinking about your eye twitch and it thought you missed it so it came back....stop thinking about it! just a suggestion

2) how do the PO people KNOW you got your mail. THEY weren't the ones who delivered to you. that is what i would've said "how do you know i got my mail. do you know the neighbor's got their mail as well EVEN THOUGH I am holding it in my hand right now." (or something like that)

3) hope your week gets better

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