Mood: mischievious
Topic: Things to Do
See I'll do anything for some blog comments! Figure if I insert the names of those running for President, I may get some hits from the search engines & maybe I'll irritate/spark a debate/anger/humor someone!
Have been doing some research on the candidates as I frankly had no idea who wanted what, what the real facts were, etc. But some things I've decided:
Listening to our former President while on a campaign stop for the Former First Lady here in North Texas yesterday (no, I didn't go - I watch the local news!) - and he mentioned something about the rival saying to the effect of (to the crowd): "Would you sign a contract with someone you don't know?" My question back to him and his wife: So is she going to READ the contracts (or anything else) this time? Has everyone forgot Whitewater - and the "I didn't read the contract" thingy that came from it? I do admire the fact that I haven't heard any of the rivals bring that up - but I remember! I also remember that it was at her urging 3 Terrorists were pardoned (or let out, or whatever) before her husband's term in office was over. Yeah - that's the ticket - let's let them ALL out so we can start right back at the beginning!
And PLEASE do NOT forward me one more erroneous email about one of the other candidates - the myth is that this person is a muslim (or has been or something to that affect) - WRONG! In fact he's the same denomination that I am & let me tell you - I'm not a muslim. And I'm not bashing people for being of any religion. But quit disseminating false information to play on the fear of the American public. Get the facts straight before you hit that forward button!
At least one of the other candidates had the gumption to apologize to folks who listened to him at a rally in Ohio yesterday - that the comments made about one of the candidates were inappropriate.
And please do NOT vote for someone because your primary reason is: she's a woman, he's of a certain race, he's a war hero, he's white, she's white, her husband was president, he goes to my church, etc. Your reasons for voting for someone should be because their opinions, values, where they want to lead the country is similar to your opinions, values, and where you want to see the country be led. If there was a candidate who was green, a woman, my Bestest friend in the whole wide world but their policies/ideals/opinions/values were NO WHERE in line with mine, I would not vote for them. However if they were all that & more - and their thoughts were similar to mine - then heck yes, I would vote for them but not because of anything else.
All I'm asking is for a little bit of the thought process behind this whole political thing we go through every 4 years. Let's stop bashing - but start speaking & having conversations to what is important to us. Vote for the person you think will do the best job for America - not because you don't want to vote for the other person out of fear, sexism, racism, or any prejudice (especially due to false information). It's our priviledge to vote - please exercise it (or shut up about whoever gets the nomination!)
I'm stepping down from the soap box now!