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Alice Cooper Concert
Things to Do
Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Miss Me?
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: family

Naw - you had way too many other things to do than wonder where I was!  So for my list of where I've been (right here) and what I've been up to this week:

1. Busy - hubby fixed the dryer last weekend so I spent all day Saturday washing sheets, clothes, etc. Then of course drying & folding or hanging up and putting away.

2. Trying to research the candidates.  I'm oh so not sure about any of them this year.  And I get so tired of the rhetoric & stuff other people say - please stop forwarding me emails about certain candidates that you don't like that puts a really bad spin on them.  This just perpetuates the dissemination of WRONG information.

3. Doing more genealogy work.  When I'm on a role - I tend to forget time.

4. Praying for various family members who have been ill, plus a preemie was born recently who really needs lots of prayers.

5. Took one of the vehicles to the shop on Wed.  Hubby took my ride so I could get his into be fixed. Glad I did!  It was dangerously close to falling apart on the road.  That meant I walked home (not so bad) & then walked back up several hours later to pick it up.  The weather that day was 70-ish & was a very pleasant walk.  But that meant that things I wanted to get done on Wed. had to wait a day.  Oh, well, more time for genealogy - right?

6. Ran errands on Thursday - some groceries, birthday presents for hubby, that sort of thing.

7. Still on Thursday - in the afternoon after getting the kids from school, hurried & fixed dinner & ran Senior Daughter to work. Home for awhile & then 1st grader had his program after the PTA meeting. Ran up there to get a parking spot & a decent seat.  He did great!  Unfortunately not very good pictures as he was behind some taller kids.  Home to drop him with hubby & then across town to pet-sit for a friend. Home in time to see the last 2 people voted off Idol & then Lost!  Then after Lost ran to pick daughter up at work!  Whoo!

8. Lost - how cool was that show!  Did anyone realize the kid might be Aaron?  I had a fleeting thought half way through the show but kept thinking it might have been Sawyer's.  Though I had to wonder as the show progressed why we had not seen the unveiling of another of the Oceanic 6!

9. American Idol - ok, gals - you need to start singing better than the guys. Although some of the guys weren't that great - all in all there was a greater percentage of them who did better than the gals.  Not sure about Amy leaving but I thought the 2 guys who left were spot on.

10. More TV - PopShawn's death on "Days of Our Lives" - did you have the hankies ready? Or when Caroline told him good bye after the rescue?  The unveiling of the TMK on General Hospital.  Diego? Are you kidding me?  Or is this one of those "bad twin" stories?  I mean Diego's father had a twin so what's to say that Diego's mother never told anyone that she had twins? Or could this be Luis' son?  MMM!

11. Pet-sitting all this weekend.

12. Taking 1st grader TODAY to a birthday party. I am not a "birthday party" parent.  Too many kids, too much noise.  In a home, I'm fine. But at one of those party places - you've got to be kidding me!

13. Hubby's birthday yesterday - made an angel food cake on Thursday & it promptly fell out of the pan when I tipped it over on the bottle to cool.  So it ended up deflating. I'm going to use it to make a butterfinger cake for our church lunch tomorrow.  So I bought him a beautiful angel food cake.  Plus he got off early from his new job (Friday's are early days!).  We discovered a great place to go to hear live music - thanks to a friend of his. Gotta wait to go when Senior Daughter is home & can babysit.

That's it - I know what you've done this week as I've been lurking on your blogs - sorry haven't had time to shout out a Hey!


Posted by wendylittrell at 7:47 AM CST
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