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Alice Cooper Concert
Things to Do
Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Friday, 21 December 2007
FOUR Days to finish Shopping!?
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Whatever is on "Rick Springfield Radio"
Topic: holidays

So what happened to December?  I remember when it started but I sure didn't realize that the 21st would fall the day after so close behind!  I do remember sleeping sometime and drinking coffee - ok, LOTS of coffee, and doing some shopping, but seriously the TWENTY FIRST OF DECEMBER IS TODAY?

So the party yesterday for First Grader's class went very well!  I feel so lucky that at least 5 other parents showed up - including one who is also a teacher at the same school (for a few minutes at least!).  There was plenty of food (so I could grumble about parents not letting me know that they were bringing tons of goodies - but I'm too thankful for that!), wonderful music - courtesy of the Christmas CD the school choir and each grade recorded, happy children, and smiling faces all around.  The Holiday craft - no, we're not supposed to utter the "Christmas" word for fear of offending someone - was jingle bell bracelets and necklaces - which went over VERY well!  It was simple, the mess was very contained which mainly consisted of beads & bells rolling off the table, and cleaned up fast!  It took just the right amount of time, too.  I guess my "Room Mom Super Powers" arrived in the nick of time!  Now, they'll be gone again until at least the week of the Valentine's class party!  I don't call on those super powers very often as I'm afraid I'll end of volunteering for PTA President or something like that!

Oh, you wanted to know how much wrapping I've accomplished?  Zilch. Zero. Nada.  Unless you count the gifts I had to ship out - those I wrapped - or my husband's "gift swap" gift for work - I also wrapped that. But the stuff that goes under the tree - nope.  Still sitting in the same bags they were in when I carried them out of the store.  Maybe tonight?

So are you ready?

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:52 AM CST
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Sunday, 23 December 2007 - 11:10 AM CST

Name: "teresa"

got all my stuff wrapped. wrapped the last one already and they are all under the tree as you have seen our house and our room for extra crap in there!

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