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Alice Cooper Concert
Things to Do
Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Summer Activities
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Things to Do
So the kids will be out for summer break soon & I've been trying to find things for us to do so we all won't be BORED!  TeenDaughter visited a modern art museum on a field trip a month or so ago & absolutely loved it. Not being much of an "artsy" person, I never gave an art museum much thought.  They have "free" days - so we'll pick a Wednesday & high tail it to Ft. Worth (which is a hike for us) to go & do a walk through.  I also want to go back to the zoo sometime this summer.  One week is taken by our church's musical program - instead of Vacation Bible School.  Another week will be vacation out of state - so that leaves how many weeks left to find things to do?!  Did I mention that school will be out SOON!  Today, tomorrow & half day of Thursday is all that's left.  Meanwhile, I'm witnessing the end of my "normal" schedule until late August!  So, Dear Reader, what are your plans to keep your young'uns (or teen ones) occupied for the summer?

Posted by wendylittrell at 8:37 AM CDT
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Friday, 18 May 2007
My Old Blog
Mood:  irritated
Topic: Blogging

What happened to Blogspot?  I had have a blog there - - however, now blotspot wants everyone to have a google account.  Fine, I have one, but when I go to retrieve my OLD blogspot stuff, it won't let me.

If you want to read what I blogged about back in the early months of '05, click the link above & have at it. 

Glad to be blogging here at Tripod now & hopefully I'll keep up with it


Posted by wendylittrell at 4:38 PM CDT
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Why is CBS doing this to us?
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Television

THEY CANCELLED JERICHO!!!!  I know that I'm not the only one who invested an entire season in this show.  Even when I couldn't be home or watch the show, I recorded it.  Last year one of the other networks did the same thing with "Invasion".  Folks - you there - The Powers That Be - if you know (& you do know in advance!) that a show is NOT returning - please tie up all the loose ends and answer all the mysteries/questions.  It is only fair.  Now if they'd decided not to bring it back in February (after a 2 month hiatus), I could sort of see that - but don't wait until the season is over - with a cliffhanger no less.  What is wrong with you people (TPTB)?  Ok, if you plan on bringing it back as a "mid season" replacement or in case something is cancelled (& by the look of the new shows you are putting on - you'll have lots of opportunities) - that's fine - but TELL US!  Don't leave us hanging out in the Black Hole somewhere.  Just my humble opinion.  So, Dear Readers, what are your thoughts? Post now & be nice!

Posted by wendylittrell at 4:31 PM CDT
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Will Sara be Killed by the Mini-K?
Mood:  quizzical
Topic: Television

Anyone else been glued to CSI all season waiting for the Mini-Killer to be revealed?  So what did you think - were you surprised it was a woman?  They had sort of alluded to that back when the train guy (character name escapes me!) Ernie Dell killed himself.  Several message boards that I checked out had speculation that Sara was one of Dell's foster kids.  Is





Natalie out for revenge against Grissom for Ernie's death?  Did Natalie encounter Sara at some other Foster Home?  What is really up with the creepy ventriloquist and the doll named for his murdered daughter?  Did the other CSI's realize what Grissom was saying about loving Sara?  Will Jorja Fox sign a new contract and be rescued by Gil in the Season Premiere?  Will Jorja decide to walk and be killed off?  That, Dear Readers, will be answered in the fall - stay tuned!

Posted by wendylittrell at 4:28 PM CDT
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American Idol Review
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Television

Don't look now, Melinda, but the thief is getting away!  What in tarnation (that's a Southern expression!) happened on Wednesday night?  Ok, I get it - Jordin & Blake are both "young" and "marketable" (too most overused words to describe them) - but Melinda has the consistency, the star-power, the non-"diva"ness, the whole Sally Field "they like me, they really like me" stuff goin' on.  But you know what - she'll be just fine.  Her CD will probably sell more than some of the Idol winners of the past (with the exception of Kelli & Carrie) and I'm not worried about her.  Besides she has the whole AI tour coming up so she'll be plenty busy for the next several months.  Not only that - but I think she is really excited for her two friends/competitors to make it to the finals.  Shows you what a genuinely great person she is.  So did the votes not come in because Simon voiced his wishes and everyone decided that he wasn't going to get his way?  Sure, take it out on Melinda if that's the case.  Will tune in next week to see Blake & Jordin battle it out.  So, Dear Readers, until later . . .

Posted by wendylittrell at 4:19 PM CDT
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