Topic: family
Do you play April Fools jokes on anyone?
As a kid in school, it was fun (annoying for the adults) to "April Fools!" a teacher or parent. Most of the time they took it good naturedly - after all - most of the jokes were pretty lame.
As an adult, my dear husband and I reaffirmed our wedding vows on April Fools Day! No, it wasn't meant to be funny! We had been married almost a year (went to JP) and were going to have our "church wedding" so when asked to pick a date, I said first Saturday in April. Little did I realize until I looked at a calendar that it was going to be April Fools!
Then many years ago we did an April Fools on my husband - wasn't funny to him tho! He'd been traveling a lot & it seemed that every time he came back from a business trip, something in the house had broken, flooded, etc. He'd been home a week or so and had fixed something - probably had to do with water as we've always had water issues of some sort! The April Fool had something to do with it either breaking again or not working or something (see, I can't even remember - that's how memorable it was!). He got this panicked look on his face and I waited a couple beats before shouting April Fools! I know he didn't think it was too funny. Which is probably why I don't play those type of jokes! I'm not really that good at it!
But if you look at my picture from yesterday - that definitely was not an April Fools joke! Yes, we are alright - nothing touched down close to us. Nothing even got blown away or over or down the street or anything. No hail for us either - although a town toward the lake got ping-pong size hail. And I heard that we'll probably be getting more bad weather this week.
When I was a teenager in Junior High - an F5 tornado hit the town next us. For footage of that actual event - check out this youtube video.
Stay safe, keep dry, have a good April Fools Day!