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Thursday, 27 March 2008
Out Like a Lamb? Yeah Right!
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: home

The old saying about March - In like a lion, out like a lamb?  All I can say right now is - are you kidding me?

The wind has been whipping all night long - wonder if my trash cans are still standing?  I know our outdoor patio chairs have been toppled & sent flying into the yard. 

I kept telling the dog that I was glad she wasn't a little bitty thing or she would have blown away.  Envisioning a teeny little dog getting picked up by the wind & sent flying somehow makes me giggle!  And please don't email me about hating dogs & that thought makes me a bad person.  I wouldn't really want to see that happen.  I love dogs & couldn't fathom how I would feel if it was my dog who got blown into the next town.  But in a cartoon, movie-ish kind of way (insert caveat: No Animals Were Hurt In The Making of This Stupid Thought) - it is sort of funny.

The wind whipping & all the horrible things it does to my hair reminds me of when we went on vacation several years ago.  We were on our way from my in-laws to my mom's (a 11 hour drive).  Had no air conditioning so we had the windows down.  By the time we got to my mother's house, my hair was a bird's nest of tangles.  And what does she say as soon as we walk in?  Something about how my hair was a mess & did I ever comb it?  Note to all who actually see me day in & day out - especially on windy days:  If I am going to be in & out a lot - then I'm probably not going to bother too much with my hair.  It doesn't take much to frizz it or tangle it.  Be nice - say nothing to me!  It will eventually get combed.  But unless you are in my home when you see me - the likelihood is you are seeing me OUT and about which means I will have been OUT in the wind (rain, snow, hurricane like weather - well you get the picture). 

And as Forrest Gump once said, "And that's all I'm going to say about that."

Have a nice day - don't blow away!

Posted by wendylittrell at 6:34 AM CDT
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Thursday, 27 March 2008 - 11:06 AM CDT

Name: "teresa"

hey that thought made me giggle too but that is only because when i let crichton out in the backyard, i make sure to tell him "dont blow away" because he is so small.

and i know how it is about the hair issue. i just throw mine up in a clip or pony tail and it still looks like "bird's nest" when i get out into the wind 

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