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Hello . . . Is This Thing On?
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Where Have I Been?
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: home

No, I haven't been somewhere exotic for Spring Break.  Actually, I don't think I've ever been anywhere for Spring Break! Generally because the People Who Pay the Bills Adults in this house don't get a spring break!  Sad, I know!  In fact Spring Break week was actually the first "normal" week I've had in almost a month (thanks to cars breaking down & other issues that I won't write about for the entire world to read).  Other than having kids at home & not at school.  Senior Daughter has a raging case of Senioritis.  She only has this week & next left before she's all done with high school.  We've gone through this twice before - two of the other kids finished high school early.  So this is nothing new in this house. 

I have managed to clean house & do laundry & make dinners that have been edible.  For Easter we did the coloring easter eggs & then the Bunny paid us a visit.  Went to early Church service & then the Easter Breakfast & regular church service.  I had put a chicken in the crock pot early that morning (read - I was still half asleep!).  My sister & brother-in-law dropped by.  Very short visit but it was good.  I really need to take a Saturday to go visit her. 

Have many birthdays coming up in April.  My dad turns 29 for the umpteenth time!  My father-in-law and our son-in-law share their birthday with Tax Day!  Our grandson will be a teenager soon!  And First Grader grandson will be 7.  You know six was sure different.  Saying that he's going to be seven just about floors me!

Hubby has been carpooling last couple weeks.  The first week was out of necessity as his vehicle was having the transmission rebuilt.  But this is a good thing.  Using less gas & speaking of which - I've discovered what we are all going to be using our tax "incentive" checks on - GASOLINE! 

Last night was the last "Jericho".  At least they wrapped it up pretty neatly.  There is an opening there in case it gets picked up by a cable station or something.  Still not happy it was cancelled (again!)  At least we are getting new shows of most of everything else.  I think "CSI" starts new shows next week along with several others on CBS.  Have to wait until the end of April for more new "Lost" episodes.  Maybe by the time that starts "CSI" will be done (so it doesn't conflict!)

So what did you do for Spring Break?

Posted by wendylittrell at 7:41 AM CDT
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Thursday, 27 March 2008 - 11:03 AM CDT

Name: "teresa"

listened to a 12 yr old complain he was bored most the week when he had PLENTY to do. that was my spring break

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