Mood: accident prone
Topic: home
It wasn't enough that with the first day of school came the possibility that I could get back into the "work out" mode every day or the fact that I started getting either a cold or was hit by some strange hay fever like allergies - OH NO!
I am typically a "clutzy" person. As a kid my mom would often refer to me as a "bull in a china shop" - I was all the time running into things, running things into walls, doors, furniture, knocking stuff down, breaking stuff, skinning/scraping my legs/knees/arms/elbows. Unfortunately one of my daughter's takes after me in that respect. She'd always run into stuff. When we had new carpeting put in and had absolutely NOTHING in the hallway, we figured it was her big chance to not run into anything - NOPE! We would still hear a big thud as she ran into walls or doorways. I was witnessing my own youth! Anyhow in all my "accident prone" life, I've never broken a bone (at least none that I actually had diagnosed as such!). I've hit my head so many times (no - that is NOT what is wrong with me!) that I'm sure I've had small, teeny weeny skull fractures at one time or another. I hit my hand on a ceramic towel rack years ago & when the weather changes I can feel it! I've stubbed both my pinky toes so many times I'm sure I've broken them over & over again.
Well let me just tell you about Monday - 4:30 p.m. Walking from the Kitchen to the LR, my hands full of newspapers for the recycling bin and a bag of trash to take out, I was walking & talking to Senior daughter (not the clutzy one!), couldn't see my feet (now you know why I always watch my feet when I walk!), & ran smack dab into the corner of the couch. I thought - oh, great stubbed my toe again. Then I looked at it. It was sticking out at a 90 degree angle. Immediately I fell to the sofa, dropping everything in my hands & my daughter began laughing hysterically - causing me to start laughing. I said "I don't think it's supposed to look like that!" Long story short - I drove myself to the ER. Dr. repositioned it. Yeah, watching it on ER is a little different than actually being on the receiving end of the bone crunching - PAINFUL - procedure. Now, my toe didn't hurt until that point - then the pain radiated for a couple minutes. Three x-rays later, the dr. said that yes, it was broke. They could tape it, give me an anti-inflammatory shot, give me a script for pain if I needed it, and give me a very attractive orthopedic shoe! Wow - the shoe was black & actually almost matched the sandal I had on the other foot! Sent home with orders to keep it up & ice for 20 minutes every 2 hours.
Then yesterday I went to work & after a couple hours, I started freezing. Ok, I generally am cold at work but I was shivering & feeling icky! When I got in the van to leave, I did NOT turn the a/c on. Even the Texas heat felt good to me - I was that cold. After I got home & got everything I needed to lay down (the phone, my orange juice, the remotes, the tissues, etc.) I put ice on my foot for the required 20 minutes. Then after that I proceeded to sleep for over an hour. Later, I checked - I had a fever. This had nothing to do with my toe - this was my cold or whatever it was. I spent most of the day on the couch. Poor kids - they get home & try talking to me & I just can't follow what they are saying - I am so miserable. Made the mistake of eating a Wendy's Frosty & then I started shivering again. Took tylenol & went to bed about 9. Sometime in the middle of the night I think the fever broke - I slept so good.
Today I just have residual sinus draining & a sore throat. My toe feels better (looks terrible - all black, blue & purple). But no "working out" for another few weeks until my toe is all healed. Will life ever be normal? Whatever that is?
stay tuned, Dear Readers, for more fun tales from the house of "clutzy-ville"!