Isaiah Henderson (Zade) Amore was born on 17 Sep 1876 in Lafayette, Coshocton County, Ohio. He married Lulu Mae St. Clair on June 4, 1900 in Coshocton County. She was born in Madison Township, Muskingum County, Ohio in April 1873. Lulu had previously been married to George Dunmead in 1891 and they had a son, Holly Foster Dunmead and a daughter, Eunice Odessa Dunmead. According to the 1900 Census,
Zade and Lulu were living in the home of his parents. In 1909, there was an ad in the Coshocton Daily Age about a retail store - "The Buckeye" - listing Zade as a salesman in the clothing department.
The couple were divorced between 1930 and 1949. They adopted one son - Robert Henry. In the 1930 Census the family is living in Amherst Township, Lorain County, Ohio. Lulu died on July 31, 1963 in Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio.
In 1949 Zade married Rose Myrtle (Vinsel) Kime. She was born on
September 14, 1885 in Adams Township, Muskingum County, Ohio to John William Vinsel and Mary
Elizabeth Gaumer. Rose had been married twice previously - to Albert Wohlheter and LeRoy Spencer Kime.
Zade entered the ministry in 1899 and was ordained in 1915. He was
ordained as a deacon in 1918 and an elder in 1920. He served from 1899 until retiring in
1952. Zade was a member of the Coshocton Masonic Lodge 96 F&AM and active in the Senior
Citizens Club. Zade died at the age of 100 at the Coshocton County Memorial Hospital where
he had been a patient for one day. Funeral services were held at the Park Avenue United
Methodist Church and burial was in South Lawn Cemetery. Rose died on November 29, 1979 and
was buried in South Lawn Cemetery.
Personal Letter
532 S. Seventh St., Coshocton, O.
January 25, 1963
Dear Gertrude,
Indeed I was surprised to rec. a letter from you - happily surprised.
I shall reply at once. Inasmuch as you are no doubt anxious to get
this "Tree" growing. In the first place you wrote the wrong guy, I
think. Clarence Amore, 8130 Broadview Rd., Broadview Heights, Cleveland
14, Ohio, started a family tree a few years ago and had it at the Amore
reunion. It was in shape or form like a regular tree. Rollo just informed
me over the phone that he doubts whether he got it completed for the
simple reason that when he came to Roy's family he had so much trouble
getting data, that he just quit. So you would do well to write him;
and if he hasn't Roy's bunch finished, then you write to his daughter
Mrs. Ann Moore (husband is Geo.). Roy lives with them. Ann is quite
literate and Roy is living a clean, Christian life now. So between
them they may get their relationship, which is the major portion of
the tree, worked out correctly. I can give some of what you asked for,
but not too much. I do know that mother was of German extraction
(her grandfather had a difficult time with the English language). It
was originally Wirtz, but they Americanized it to Werts. (This is
only parathentically and for your own information: She lost her father
when about three, and Isaiah (Zade) Powelson reared her. Her mother
later married John Simon). I failed to state that grandfather's name
was William and g.mother's was Louisa. My mother's name was Mary
Angelina. I see also that I omitted the address of Geo. Moore. It is
335 N. 9th St., Coshocton. The Amores are of French decent. They
came from the French section of Alsace-Lorraine. The woods is still
full of Amores over there. Grandad, William Amore married Charlotte
Reed who died when my dad was 9. He later married Elizabeth Spencer.
Dad Wm. Henry and George were by the first union and Cephas, Laura,
and Nellie by the second one. Mrs. Earl Rusk, Alexandria can give
you the dope on the second marriage. Uncle George married Katie Burden
and they had Stanley, Bertha, Grover, Jesse, and Georgia. The latter
two are still living but Jesse's mind is bad and I don't know where
Georgia is. I can't go any farther out on a limb there simply because
I don't know. Jess had a stroke and is too hard to understand to be any
incentive to trying to find out any more. I am sure that Clarence has
all this. Was surprised when Norman told us that you were with Marie.
Hope you do not get laid off from your sales job; that is unless you
want to come back to Ohio. You must cater to the wealthy class,
judging from the price of hats. Rose saw Norman's wife, Iva Mae, in
the beauty shop yesterday. She couldn't get their car started and
had to walk. They are well. Her son was married recently in bridgeport
and they attended the wedding. I have a wedding coming up soon. The
bride-to-be is in the hospital for surgery - not serious - and Rose
and I are going to hospital to see her and several others who are
patients whom we know. There is more than a foot of snow here and it
was 16 below zero Wed. night and hovered close to zero the last 24
hrs. Not quite as cold last night, but away below zero. Bert and
Fannie can be glad they are in Fla. Ruth Irwin, their daughter and
her son Julian who is a high schooler, are keeping the home fires
burning for them while they are away. They were staying with Berts
any way. I am doing a lot of rambling but I just remembered to inform
you, in case Clarence doesn't have it correct, that Fannie's maiden
name was Moder. Huffs reared her. Her folks were killed by lightening
when she was small. She was nearly killed. Roy's Mamie's name was Modest
and Rivers reared her. Rollo and Bell are just about as usual. She
has her bad times but is good, for her, right now. I saw her a couple
of days ago. She was out of bed most of the day Wed. Has a phone by
her bed and we can talk to her any time we wish. Rollo has been wanting
to have surgery . . ., but he is confined right now
to the home as chief nurse and housekeeper. Rose and I are able to
eat three squares and are as busy as two misquitos in a nudist camp.
I still do supply work for the various denominations. Have a pulpit
to supply soon now. They had a birthday party and wedding anniversary
on us at the EUB Church in the Fall - a two in one; cake, presents
and everything. They also had a big surprise on me. A "This is your
life," at the church. They had worked on it for many months and
Rose knew it, but kept it a secret. I said "Don't tell me that a
woman can't keep a secret." I am using the typewriter, contrary to
propriety, simply because I thought you might have difficulty
deciphering my script. I am getting pretty shaky. I may have made
several errors because I am hurrying. Won't have time to read it
over but hope you can unscramble it. We cleaned house this morning
and Rose just called me for lunch so we can get dressed for our
hospital call. So will have bring this rambling to a close. As they
say in legal terms cease and desist. Ha ha. Oiled the old jalopy
recently and that is what caused the paper-guide to streak the
margin. Shall clean it off before trying to use it again. Just say
that is my trade mark. Rose joins me in love and best wishes to you
and . . . and . . .. Say hello to . . . and the rest when you write
them again. Uncle 'Zade'

Coshocton Tribune
December 14, 1920
Former Coshocton Man Holds Special Services at Carey
The revival meetings conducted by Rev. I.H. Amore, formerly of Coshocton, pastor of the United Evangelical church, of Carey, Ohio, have been conducted with much interest and success recently. The Rev. Mr. Amore entered into the ministry several years ago at Carey.
The Amore brothers' quartet including Lloyd and Bert Amore, of Coshocton, Rollo Amore, of Zanesville, and Clarence Amore of Columbus, furnished the music for several of the services.
Coshocton Tribune
November 21, 1976; Vol. 67, No. 85 (Front Page)
Amore's Epistle Will Be Intered
Two notable letters in addition to the one sent by President Gerald R. Ford, are being added to Coshocton's Bicentennial time capsule. The Rev. Isaiah H. Amore who celebrated his 100th birthday on September 21, 1976, has a message for those in the future. Rev. Amore, a native of Coshocton County, served both city and county churches before his retirement just a few years ago.
In his letter he states that Coshocton has been good to him and has taught him how much people need one another. Rev. Amore strikes a humorous note in his letter, as he often did in the sermons that made his ministry so successful, when he concludes with "I have had my share of weddings and funerals."
Because of his health, Rev. Amore will not be present for the ceremony today at 3 p.m. but will have his letter placed in the capsule by a member of the Bicentennial Commission.

Coshocton Tribune
Saturday, February 19, 1977
Centenarian Minister Dies At Hospital
The Rev. Isaiah H. (Zade) Amore, 100, of 532 S. Seventh St. died at 12:45 p.m. Friday at Coshocton County Memorial Hospital where he had been a patient for one day. The Rev. Amore was born Sept. 21, 1876, in Coshocton County the son of William Henry and Annie Wertz Amore. He entered the ministry in 1899, was ordained in 1915 and licensed by the Ohio United Conference. He was ordained as a deacon in 1918 and was ordained an elder in 1920. He served from 1899 until he retired in 1952 serving churches in Erie, Pa, Carey, Youngstown, Marion, Elyria, Columbus, Nellie and Coshocton, Ohio. Rev. Amore was known to deliver powerful sermons and was always a favorite guest preacher at many churches. He was a member of the Coshocton Masonic Lodge 96 F&AM and the Senior Citizens Club. In 1904 he married Lula Mae Dummead, who preceded him in death. In 1949 he married Rose (Vensel) Kime, who survives. Also surviving are a son, Robert H. Amore, Columbus, a stepson, Holly F. Dummead, Calif., a stepdaughter, Mrs. L. T. Perkins, Calif., one brother, Herbert (Bert) Amore, 1008 Orange St., one granddaughter and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one sister and five brothers. Funeral services will be at 1:30 p.m. Monday at the Park Ave. United Methodist Church with the Rev. James C. Hough and the Rev. Robert G. Binkley officiating. Burial will be in South Lawn Cemetery. Friends may call at the Free Funeral Home from 2 to 5 p.m. Sunday after noon on Monday at the church. The Coshocton Masonic Lodge 96 F&AM will conduct memorial services at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at the funeral home.
Buried in Roscoe Cemetery in Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio.

Cemetery Information
South Lawn Cemetery, Coshocton, Ohio
Amore Isaiah H. 1977 2/18 SEC A LOT 26 R8 G5 Age 100

Ohio Death Index, 1958-69
Certificate Number: 56362
Volume Number: 17364
Sex: Female
Race: White
County of Death: Muskingum County
City of Death: Zanesville
County of Residence: Muskingum County
City of Death: Zanesville
Date of Death: July 31, 1963
Age of Death: 88 Years
Marital Status: Divorced

International Genealogical Index (IGI)
Name: Rose Vinsel
Sex: F
Born: 14 Sep 1885
Adams Twp., Muskingum, Ohio
Father: John W. Vinsel
Mother: Mary Elizabeth Gaumer
Batch #: 5010388
Source Call No: 1553676
Type: Film
Printout: None
Sheet: 33

Cemetery Information
South Lawn Cemetery
Amore Rose M. 1979 11/29 SEC A LOT 28 R8 G3 Age 94

Child of Isaiah H. Amore and Lulu St. Clair
- Robert Henry Amore (adopted child) b. 20 Mar. 1922 d. 28 May 2002 m. abt. 1947 Elizabeth Unknown b. Private
Five of the Amore Brothers at Reunion
Zade, Rollo, Roy, Clarence, Herbert
(1882 - 1955)

Lloyd William Amore was born on March 5, 1882
in Coshocton County, Ohio. He married Ella Maria House on April 11, 1903 at the Presbyterian Manse in
Coshocton. She was born June 22, 1882 in Coshocton County, Ohio to
James Emory House and Frances V. Ogan.
Lloyd had many professions, first and foremost he was a coal miner. He was also a house painter, a profession that
three of his sons entered into. Their oldest seven children all lived to adulthood. The last child, Mae Maxine,
was stillborn or died shortly after birth. She is buried at South Lawn Cemetery.
Presbyterian Church
Lloyd and Ella Amore
Roscoe Hardware Store
Some of Lloyd & Ella's children were born in an upstairs apartment

History of Coshocton County
Lloyd Wm. Amore was born in Coshocton County, 5 March, 1882, son of William Henry Amore and Mary Angelina Werts.
He was the fourth child of seven. Lloyd married Ella Maria House, 11 April 1903, at the Presbyterian Manse
in Coshocton. . . To Lloyd and Ella were born 8 children: Gertrude Pearl, William G., Erma Marie, Paul Winfield, Norman Edgar,
Bervil Ellwood, Eugene James, and Mae Maxine, died at birth. Lloyd Amore, during his lifetime was a laborer, coal mine operator,
Novelty machine press operator, painter and painting contractor. He spent most of his life in and around Coshocton County. He died
February 1955.Lloyd and Ella lived in various places in Coshocton County during their married life, including Roscoe, S. 6th St., S
5th St., West Lafayette Road, E. Elm St., E. Vine St., and John St. Several of their children were born in old Roscoe, in the now
restored downtown section.
Lloyd and Ella Amore's house in Coshocton
A grandson was born in an upstairs room

Lloyd died from uremic poisoning on February 25, 1955 in Coshocton County. He was buried in Praire Chapel
Cemetery in Coshocton next to Ella. She died from breast cancer on July 3, 1946. Go to
Obituary Page for their obituaries.
Graves of Lloyd and Ella Amore
Located in Prairie Chapel Cemetery

Children of Lloyd William Amore and Ella Maria House:
- Gertrude Pearl Amore b. 22 Apr 1904 Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio d. 20 Jan 2003 Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio m. 3 May 1924 Coshocton County, Ohio Walter L. Shackelford b. 6 Dec 1902 Pittsburg, Pennsylvania d. 6 Aug 1945 Bucyrus, Crawford County, Ohio
- William Gail Amore b. 25 June 1907 Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio d. 21 Jan 1981 Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan m. abt. Dec 1941-Jan. 1942 Margaret White b. 30 Jan. 1914 d. 10 July 1998 Michigan
- Marie Erma Amore b. 21 May 1909 d. 3 Sep 2010 m. (1) 28 Jan 1938 Robert Ellsworth Werkley b. 28 Jan 1914 d. 28 May 1968 (2) 20 Feb 1973 William Quirk b. 2 May 1906 d. July 1982 Update October 7, 2012
- Paul Winfield Amore b. 12 May 1911 Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio d. 21 Feb 2003 Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada m. 16 Oct 1943 Dorothy Pavleas b. 16 Apr 1916 d. 28 Feb 1994 Detroit, Michigan Updated October 7, 2012
- Norman Edgar Amore b. 29 Dec 1912 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 29 Nov 1998 Fruitland Park, Florida m. 14 Jan 1944 Iva Mae Miller Coshocton County, Ohio b. Private
- Bervil Ellwood Amore b. 14 Apr 1915 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 23 Oct 1996 Mansfield, Ohio m. (1) 10 Aug 1934 Coshocton, Ohio Eva Swigert b. 15 Apr 1913 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 10 Aug 1979 Mansfield, Ohio (2) 31 July 1993 Ramona Lillibridge Swigert b. Private
- Eugene James Amore b. Private
- Mae Maxine Amore b. 19 Nov 1922 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 19 Nov 1922 (at birth) Coshocton County, Ohio

(1885 - 1972)

Rollo Werts Amore
was born November 1, 1885 in Coshocton County, Ohio. He was the fifth child and fourth son of William Henry Amore and
Mary Angeline Werts. Rollo married Alice Belle McCall on December 28, 1908 in Coshocton County, Ohio.
She was born on November 2, 1886 in Walland, Guernsey County, Ohio. Three children were born to the couple. Rollo went into the ministry through the
Salvation Army. He was the officiating minister at his nephew's wedding in Zanesville in 1943.
There is an alternate spelling for his middle name - Wertz - reported by his great-grandson, Rick Amore.
Belle died on February 17, 1965 and Rollo died
on March 3, 1972. Both of them were buried in South Lawn Cemetery.
Marriage Information
Marriages Coshocton County 18?? - 19??
Amore Rollo Werts 30 January 1909 Alice B. McCall

Ohio Death Index 1958-69
Certificate Number: 08947
Volume Number: 17956
Sex: Female
Race: White
Name: Amore, Alice B.
County of Death: Coshocton County
City of Death: Coshocton
County of Residence: Coshocton County
City of Residence: Coshocton
Date of Death: February 17, 1965
Age at Death: 78 years
Marital Status: Married

Cemetery Information
South Lawn Cemetary
Amore Rallo A. 1972 3/7 SEC A LOT 28 R4 G2 Age 86
Amore Alice 1965 2/17 SEC A Lot 28 R1 G4 Age 78

Children of Rollo Werts Amore and Alice Belle McCall:
- Beatrice Pearl Amore b. Abt. 1910 d. Aft. June 1973 m. before 4 June 1934 to Frank Shambre b. 20 Aug. 1911 d. 15 Jan. 1989 Mansfield, Ohio m. (2) Henry A. McAfoose b. Unknown d. 28 June 1968 Mansfield, Oiho m. (3) Charles Vass b. Unknown m. (4) Donald Matthews b. Unknown
- Florence May Amore b. 16 Mar 1912 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 18 June 1973 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio m. 4 June 1934 Marion Zellner Newark, Ohio b. 9 June 1911 d. after 18 June 1973 Updated October 7, 2012
- Ralph William Amore b. 3 Sep. 1917 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 7 Sep. 1995 Ohio m. (1) 21 Oct 1936 Wheeling, West Virginia to Sarah Miller b. abt 1918 d. Unknown (2) Olive Marie Grubb Birch b. 14 Oct 1914 North Liberty, Ohio d. 17 Dec 2007 Updated October 7, 2012
(1889 - 1982)

Herbert Irwin Amore was born
March 12, 1889 in Lafayette, Coshocton County, Ohio. He married Fannie Kathryn Coder on April 15, 1911. She was born March 3, 1895 in Newcomerstown, Coshocton County, Ohio to Jacob Coder and Ida Mae Huff. Her
parents were killed by lightning when she was a child and her mother's family - Huff - reared her. The April 21, 1926 edition of the Coshocton Tribune reported on the couple's 35th wedding anniversary and also included this information:
" . . . Mrs. Amore relates that 45 years ago on July 15 she almost lost her life when lightning struck a straw shed in which she, her grandmother,
mother, aunt and brother had taken refuge during an electrical storm, about one mile north of Newcomerstown. The lightning killed all the others. She was reared in the home of her three uncles and their wives. One uncle was the late Addson Huff, Roscoe, father of Garnet Huff and Candace Huff." Five children
were born to the marriage. Bert died on 4 March 1982 and was buried in
South Lawn Cemetery. Fannie died April 26, 1991 and was also buried at South Lawn.
Updated June 25, 2008

Marriage Information
Marriages Coshocton County
Amore, Herbert 14 April 1911 Fannie Coder

Cemetery Information
South Lawn Cemetery
Amore Herbert I. 1982 3/4 SEC L LOT 38 Age 92
Amore Fannie K. 1991 4/26 SEC L LOT 38 Age 96
Coshocton Daily Times
Wednesday, Mar. 13, 1912
Additional Society News
Surprise Party
A delightful surprise party was given Mr. H.I. Amore at his home on North Water street Tuesday evening by a company of his relatives and friends. In honor of his 23rd birthday. He received many cards and presents. The evening was spent in music and delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. H.I. Amore. Those who enjoyed the evening were: Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Amore, Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Amore, all of Roscoe, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Amore and daughter Beatrice, Mrs. Chas. Stone and Mr. Delbert Stone, Mrs. Alex McCall and children, Charlie and Leah, Misses Retta and Joe Barringer, Mrs. B.F. Baker and daughter, Lottie of Chili, a sister of Mr. Amore, her birthday being Tuesday also, and Mr. and Mrs. H.I. Amore.

Children of Herbert Irwin Amore and Fannie Coder:
- Ernest Amore b. 1 June 1912 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 17 Mar 1922 Coshocton County, Ohio
- Ruth Evelyn Amore b. 10 Oct. 1914 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 30 July 1995 Ohio m. 14 June 1936 to Elmer Tracy Irwin b. Unknown d. Unknown
- Bernard C. Amore b. 8 July 1917 Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio d. 30 Sep 1984 Coshocton County, Ohio m. 4 Oct 1938 Hebron, Ohio to Ruth Dusenberry b. 1 Nov. 1916 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 12 June 1993 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
- Daughter Amore b. 18 Mar 1921 d. 18 Mar 1921
- Raymond Amore b. 28 Dec 1924 Roscoe, Coshocton County, Ohio d. 18 Aug. 2006 m. Violet (maiden name withheld)
Clarence and Bert Amore
(1893 - 1973)

Clarence Wesley Amore was born on November 16, 1893
in Muskingum County, Ohio. He was the youngest child of William Henry Amore and Mary Angelina Werts. On April 23, 1916 he
married Nellie Frances Buchanan. She was born on December 12, 1894 in Gallia County, Ohio. Two sons were born to that union before it ended in divorce. Clarence then married
Mary Ann Traxler on January 16, 1932 in Licking County, Ohio. Mary was born to John Traxler and Mary Tunney on January 22, 1894 in Lorain, Ohio. Clarence died on June 3, 1973 in Cleveland, Ohio. Mary died on October 24, 1977 in Cleveland, Ohio.
Updated June 25, 2008
Fannie (Coder) Amore and Mary (Traxler) Amore
Taken about 1970 in Coshocton, Ohio

Children of Clarence Wesley Amore and Nellie Frances Buchanan:
- Theodore William Amore b. 4 May 1917 d. 2 Dec 1991 m. 27 May 1938 Dorothy Belle Moran b. 13 Mar 1917 d. 13 Feb 2003
- Harold Winifred Amore b. 5 Nov. 1923 d. 23 Nov. 1951 m. Private
Clarence and Zade Amore
Amore - Baker Family Reunion
Back Row: Zade, Bert, Rollo, Roy; Middle: Mary (Traxler), Rose (Vensel), Fannie (Coder) Kneeling: Clarence
(1874 - 1956)

Louisa Clementine Amore (Clemmie)
was born on March 12, 1874 in Coshocton, Ohio. She was the oldest child and only daughter of William Henry Amore and Mary Angeline
Werts. On December 7, 1893, at the age of 19, she married Benjamin Franklin Baker in Coshocton, Ohio. He was born on May 25, 1874 in Ohio to John and Charlotte Baker. One son and
three daughters were born to this union. The family was living in Jefferson Township, Muskingum County, Ohio on June 13, 1900 when the census
was taken. Benjamin listed his occupation as day laborer. By 1910, they were found living in Coshocton County, Ohio. Benjamin died on May 19, 1936 of heart problems at their home in Columbus, Ohio. Clemmie died in April 1956 at the home of her daughter, Anna Belle, and son-in-law Harry Foster, in Springfield, Ohio.

Ohio 1910 Census Miracode Index
State: Ohio
County: Coshocton, Coshocton City
Enumeration District: 0022
Name: Benjamin F Baker
Relation: Husband
Color: W
Age: 35
Birth Place: Ohio
Image Number: 00180401
Visit: 0370
Wife Clementine L 35, Ohio
Son Donald F 15, Ohio
Daughter Anna B 11, Ohio
Daughter Clara E 07, Ohio
Daughter Lottie C 05, Ohio

Children of Louisa Clementine Amore and Benjamin Franklin Baker:
- Donald Francis Baker b. 23 May 1894 Coshocton County, Ohio d. 19 July 1978 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio m. 27 June 1914 to Emma Isabelle Endsley b. 28 Apr. 1894 d. 25 Apr. 1985 Columbus, Franklin County, Ohio
- Anna Belle Baker b. 1 Jan. 1899 Plainfield, Coshocton County, Ohio d. August 1999 m. 28 Sep. 1922 to Harrie Earl Foster b. 13 Aug. 1893 d. 18 Apr 1983 Updated October 7, 2012
- Clara Ethel Baker b. 13 Nov. 1902 Coshocton, Ohio d. Mar 1957 m. 18 Nov 1924 to Emerson W. Levering b. 13 July 1895 d. Unknown
- Charlotte (Lottie) Baker b. 15 Nov. 1904 Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas County, Ohio d. Unknown m. Unknown to John Smith b. Unknown d. Unknown

Source of some information on Clemmie and Ben received from Keith Swalley and Judy Baker
Amore Names
First Amore page
Third Amore page
Fourth Amore page
Fifth Amore page
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