Thurman Amore of near Plainfield, who deserted from the United States army at Fourt Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, was arrested Friday by Deputy Sheriff Paul Leavengood and turned over to army officials at Fort Hayes, Columbus.
Coshocton Tribune
March 20, 1937
Left Asleep, Two Perish in Flames
Housekeeper Calling at Neighboring Residence
Thurman Lee Amore, 4, and Wesley Leonard Amore, 2, sons of Thurman L. Amore, burned to death in a fire that gutted interior of the one-room shack that was their home, situated on the Joe Clark farm, three miles south of West Lafayette, Thursday afternoon.
Left for less than a half hour, peacefully sleeping in their bed, by Wilma Stanley, housekeeper for Mr. Amore, the children were charred bits of flesh and bone when the fire had cooled sufficiently for rescuers to gain entrance.
The children's mother, Mrs. Mary Amore, died in Canton about a year ago.
The shack which was near a mine on the Clark farm, where Mr. Amore works, was covered with sheet steel on the sides and when Mrs. Stanley returned from a brief talk with Mrs. Clark, the interior of the place was a blazing furnace, so hot that the steel on the sides was red white.
It was impossible to enter for nearly an hour after the fire had burned out. Coroner W.F. Lyons had been called from Coshocton in the meantime, and viewed the bodies of the children as they lay in the ashes of what once had been their bed. There was nothing left inside the shack, a one-room dwelling, except ashes and the charred bodies of the children.
Mrs. Stanley said that at about 4 p.m. Thursday she put the children to bed, watched them go to sleep, and then went to the Clark residence, on the same farm but some distance from the shack near the mine mouth. Mr. Amore was away from home all day Friday, returning 10 minutes after the fire was discovered.
Before leaving she fixed the fire in the stove, Mrs. Stanley said. Less than a half hour later she returned to find the shack a roaring furnace of flame, with the fire shooting thru the roof.
Mrs. Stanley ran back to the Clark home and summoned aid. Firemen and officers from West Lafayette hurried to the scene of the the fire but the shack still was so hot that they were forced to wait for nearly an hour before an entrance could be effected.
Bodies of both children were so (continued on Page Five)
(page five)
Two Children Die When Shack Burns
continued from page one
badly charred as to be unrecognizable.
While origin of the fire could not be determined, it was believed that the stove became overheated, igniting some of the flimsy material used in the interior to line the walls. Only a few minutes were required to make the interior a roaring furnace of flame, with the sheet steel sides holding the heat inside.
Coroner Lyons as not yet returned an official verdict.
Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. today at the Rehard-Bonnell funeral home in West Lafayette, where the bodies were taken after the tragedy. Burial was made in Fairfield cemetery.

Coshocton Tribune
Mar. 22, 1937
Calls Children's Deaths Accidental
Coroner Gives Verdict in Burning of Two Amore Boys
A verdict of accidental death by burning was returned last night by Coroner W.F. Lyons in the deaths of Thurman Lee Amore, 4, and Wesley Leonard Amore, 2, sons of Thurman L. Amore.
The Amore children died in a fire that destroyed a shanty on the farm of Joe Clark, three miles south of West Lafayette, Friday afternoon.
Coroner Lyons and Prosecutor Carl M. Patterson conducted an investigation Saturday, during which they delayed burial of the remains in a West Lafayette cemetery until they had questioned the father and his housekeeper, Mrs. Wilma Stanley, concerning the tragic burning.
They were told by Mrs. Stanley that she had left the children playing on a bed while she went to the home of a neighbor, Mrs. Legge, to borrow a broom. Ten minutes after she had left the shack, and while chatting with Mrs. Legge, she told the officials, she discovered the fire and rushed back to find the home a mass of flames.
The fire was believed to have started from a stove. The interior of the shack was lined with cardboard and the outside with metal signs.
Mrs. Stanley had started to work Tuesday morning for Mr. Amore in caring for the children while he worked in a nearby mine. He was at the mine when the fire occurred, officials were told.

Coshocton Tribune
Jan. 18, 1944
Amore Children Get New Homes; Parents Await Court Action on Neglect Charges
The six young Amore children, found half frozen Sunday night in an auto parked on Main st., today were living normally in county foster homes while their parents were held in county jail awaiting sentencing.
Charges of neglecting the children while they attended a double feature movie Sunday night were admitted by Thurman E. Amore and his wife, Wilma, and their sister-in-law, Mrs. Bertha May Amore, all of East Orchard st., at a hearing Monday afternoon.
Probate judge C. Merrel Ross delayed passing sentence on the trio until he returns Friday from the state convention of probate judges in Columbus, which opened today.
Police found the six children Sunday night suffering from the cold in a parked auto, where they were left while their parents attended the movie. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Amore, parents of five of the children, oldest of whom is seven, and Mrs. Bertha May Amore, mother of a 13-month old baby, were lodged in jail.
At the hearing yesterday Mrs. Thurman Amore told Judge Ross and Probation Officer Henry Wortman that they had left their children in the parked auto at night on eight different occasions. Three different times the children were forced to remain in the car as late as 1 a.m. while the adults visited a tavern near Coshocton.

Coshocton Tribune
Jan. 23, 1944
Two Women, Man Get Sentences fo Neglect of Children
Thurman E. Amore received the maximum sentence of one year in the Columbus workhouse and $250 fine and his wife, Wilma Amore, and sister-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Amore, were each sentenced to serve one year in the Marysville reformatory for women by Probate Judge C. Merrel Ross Saturday morning.
The three all entered pleas of guilty Wednesday when they were charged with leaving their six children in a parked auto while they attended a movie. Police officers took the six children to the city hospital where they were treated for exposure and hunger. The children were turned over to the county foster home.
Commenting on the sentences, Judge Ross said, "Because of the extreme degree of neglect admitted by these three parents, and the fact that they had been in court before and given repeated warnings, the court is imposing upon them the maximum term."
The two women were taken to Marysville by Deputy Sheriff Zara Abbot Saturday afternoon. Amore will be taken to Columbia this week.

Coshocton Tribune
Jan. 26, 1944
Amore Taken To Workhouse
Thurman E. Amore, who was sentenced to serve one year at the Columbus workhouse when he pleaded guilty to neglecting his five minor children, was taken to Columbus by Deputy Sheriff Zara Abbott Tuesday afternoon.

Coshocton Tribune
Aug. 9, 1944
Amore Escapes From Workhouse
Coshocton police were on the lookout today for Thurman E. Amore, 32, who escaped Monday night from the Columbus workhouse where he had been serving a year's sentence on a delinquency charge.
Amore, his wife, Mrs. Wilma Amore, and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Bertha Amore, who formerly lived at 1616 Orchard st., all pleaded guilty to charges of leaving six small, scantily clad children in a parked automobile while they attended a double feature movie last winter. The court learned the children had been left in the car by their parents on various occasions. Amore was given a fine of $250 and a year in the workhouse by Probate Judge C.M. Ross, last January, while the two women were given a year at Marysville.
Authorities at Columbus said that when Amore was last seen he was wearing a cowboy hat and boots and other clothing to correspond. They were of the opinion that he had left in the company of a 20-year-old girl.

Coshocton Tribune
July 29, 1946
Former Resident Held for Investigation
Thurman Amore, formerly of Coshocton, is held in the county jail for investigation of the alleged theft of an automobile at Steubenville and possible neglect of five minor children.
Amore was committed to the Columbus workhouse in January of 1944 when he pleaded guilty to leaving his small children in a parked car near the Gamble grocery story while he and his wife attended a movie. Mrs. Amore was sent to the Marysville reformatory for women by the probate court on the same charge.
Authorities said today that Amore will be held for officials in Steubenville and the local probate court.

Coshocton Tribune
Aug. 3, 1946
Father Must Complete Workhouse Sentence for Neglect of Children
Thurman Amore, formerly of Coshocton, who was picked up here early this week for investigation of alleged illegal automobile dealing and neglect of five minor children, has been sent to the Columbus workhouse to serve the remaining six months of his sentence imposed by Judge C.M. Ross in January of 1944.
Amore was found guilty at that time of leaving his small children in a parked automobile during sub-zero weather while he and his wife attended a movie.
The family since moved to Steubenville.
When Amore was arrested here on charges filed in Steubenville accusing him of leaving in a car to which he did not have title it was learned that he had escaped from the Columbus workhouse before he had served his complete sentence.
The mother, Mrs. Thurman Amore, who served one year at Marysville on a charge of neglect of her minor children, has since had another child which is now under her care. The remaining five minor children have been surrendered permanently thru the local probate court to the Coshocton county welfare board, Judge Ross said.
On termination of his sentence in the Columbus workhouse, Amore faces the charges in Steubenville in addition to bastardy charges which are filed against him in Columbus, O.

Coshocton Tribune
Dec. 5, 1970
Family's Future Looks Brighter
NEWCOMERSTOWN - The fast approaching Christmas holiday season promises to be much brighter than the Thanksgiving season for an ill-fated Guernsey County family of 10.
The Thurman Amore family, which lost its home by fire the day before Thanksgiving, now resides in another located between Birds Run and Kimbolton - thanks to owners of the Wayne Jones farm in that area.
Amore, his wife and eight children, had been residing with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lafferty, and their four children in a four-room house in the Plainfield area since the fire.
Because of the crowded conditions at the Lafftery house, two of the Amore children were obliged to sleep at night in automobiles outside the residence.
The Amores were given possession of the Wayne Jones home when tenants on the farm moved out a few days ago. The Guernsey County Welfare Department is now assisting the family.
The Amores are now provided with government food stamps. Thurman Amore, an unemployed coal miner, who says he is suffering from teh "black lung disease," has already made application to obtain disability funds because of his ailment.
One of the Amore boys was recently laid off from his work - leaving no member of the family employed.
Five of the Amore children attend Newcomerstown public schools. One is a pupil in Eas Elementary, the second is enrolled at the Middle School, two in Guernsey Elementary and one in high school. A daughter is enrolled at the Head Start school.
Earlier in the week, through donations from the schools and Newcomerstown churches, the five boys who attend school here were outfitted with new shoes and clothing at local stores. This was through the efforts of Lloyd Miller, principal of the elementary and middle schools.
Miller "went to bat" for the children to see that they were properly clothed. Miller said the bill for the clothing "which was reduced in price by the generous merchants of the village and was paid by the Ministerial Association and several local and area churches."
Miller added that since the Amore family has moved into another home, the five children promise to be back in school here next Monday morning.
The fire that destroyed the Amore home the day before Thanksgiving also wiped out about all the furniture and clothing. Saved were a bedroom suite, one bed, clothes dryer and television set.

Coshocton Tribune
Thurman L. Amore
Thurman L. Amore, 85, of
(address withheld), Newcomerstown, OH., died Saturday, March 1, 1997, at 5:10 p.m. at his home.
He was born June 17, 1911, at Coshocton, a son of Roy Amore and Mamie Rivers.
He was a coal miner for the Green Coal Co. and was an Army Veteran.
Surviving are his wife, Mary . . . Amore; five daughters, Alberta . . . and husband Robert, Rebecca . . . and husband Jerry, all of Newcomerstown, Joyce . . . of Guernsey, Sandy . . . of Steubenville, Darlene . . . of West Virginia; eight sons, George Amore and wife Brenda, Eugene Amore and wife Trina, William Amore and wife Kathy, Leroy Amore, Leo Amore and wife Ann, John Amore and wife Mabel, all of Newcomerstown, Donald Amore and wife Judy of Fresno, James Amore and wife Tedi of Tuscarawas; six sisters, Annie . . ., Sophie . . . and Isabelle . . ., all of Coshocton, Mary . . . and Lilly . . ., both of West Lafayette, Lawanda . . . of Fresno; two brothers, Leo Amore of Chillicothe and Virgil Amore of Oklahoma; 53 grandchildren; and many great-grandchildren.
Seven children, three brothers and one sister are deceased.
Services will be Tuesday, March 4, 1997, at 11 a.m. in Addy Funeral Home in Newcomerstown with Rev. Betty Brown officiating. Calling hours are Monday (today) from 7 to 9 p.m. and one hour prior to the service. Burial will be in Hartwood Cemetary at Newcomerstown.
Memorials may be made to Hospice of Guernsey County.

Social Security Death Index
Residence: 43832 Newcomerstown, Tuscarawas, OH
Born: 17 Jun 1911
Last Benefit:
Died: 1 Mar 1997
Issued: OH (Before 1951)

Children of Thurman Amore and Mary A. Yeates:
- Thurman Lee Amore Jr. b. 12 Aug. 1932 d. 19 Mar. 1937
- Wesley Leonard Amore b. 23 Dec. 1934 d. 19 Mar. 1937
Children of Thurman Amore and Wilma Charlotte Stanley:
- Ronnie Lee Amore b. Private
- Mary Arlene Amore b. 4 Jan. 1938 d. 9 Jan. 1996 m. Unknown ? Swayne b. Unknown d. Aft. 1996
- Shirley Jean Amore b. 14 Nov. 1938 d. 8 June 1979 m. 2 June 1958 Gerald Arlen Legge b. Private
- Barbara Ellen Amore b. Private
- Sandy Amore b. Private
Child of Thurman Amore and Betty (name with held for privacy):
- Darlene Amore b. Private
Child of Thurman Amore and Unknown:
- Pearl (Last name is unknown if it is Amore or mother's maiden name) b. Private
Children of Thurman Amore and Mary (maiden name withheld):
- Alberta May Amore b. Private
- George Lee Amore b. Private
- Joyce Ann Amore b. Private
- Eugene Amore b. Private
- Leroy Henry Amore b. Private
- William Charles Amore b. Private
- Leo Brent Amore b. Private
- Donnie Woodrow Amore b. Private
- Jimmie Henry Amore b. Private
- John Glenn Amore b. Private
- Rebecca Due Amore b. Private
- Betty Amore b. 5 Oct. 1954 d. 5 Oct. 1954
(Sources: Janet Shock, Misty Koerner, and other members of this branch)
(1920 - 1942)

Arthur Amore was born in September 1920. He was the eighth child and fourth son born to Leroy Amore and Mamie Rivers. He married Bertha Eaton on February 21, 1942 in Coshocton, Ohio. The couple had one daughter and when the baby was one month old, Arthur died from gas fumes in the family's mobile home. At the time he was a Private in the military stationed at Camp Blanding, Florida. Bertha returned to the Coshocton County area and ran around with Arthur's brother, Thurman Amore, and his wife, Wilma Stanley. In 1944 the adults left their children in a parked car late at night in freezing temperatures while they went to a movie. The authorities rescued the children and removed them to foster homes. Bertha was sentenced to a year in the Marysville (Ohio) Reformatory for Women due to her negligence. The daughter eventually went back to live with Bertha. It is unknown if Bertha is still alive.

Coshocton Tribune
Sep 22, 1920
Birth Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amore, Roscoe, are the parents of a 10-lb boy born Monday.

Coshocton Tribune
Dec. 16, 1977
35 Years Ago
Dec. 16, 1942
Pvt. Arthur Amore of Camp Blanding, Fla., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Amore, 241 S. Fifth was found dead in his bed, asphyxiated by fumes from a gas stove which heated the trailer house in which he and his family lived.
His wife, Bertha, was found unconscious and their month old baby, Priscilla, seemed unaffected. The mother and child were taken to the hospital and reported recovering.

Child of Arthur Amore and Bertha Unknown:
- Priscilla Amore b. Private
(1881 - 1947)

Bertha Ellen Amore was born
in June 1881 in Ohio. She was the second child and first daughter of George Washington Amore
and Katie Burden. At the age of 22, she married John David (J.D.) Woodward on July 31, 1903. He was born on
February 21, 1873 in Linton Township, Coshocton County, Ohio the son of Stephen Presley Woodward. Two daughters were born
to this union. J.D. Woodward was written about in
The History of Coshocton County. An excerpt
appears below. The family was found living in Plainfield Village, Linton Township, Coshocton County, Ohio in the 1910, 1920 and 1930 U.S. censuses. Bertha died before June 4, 1947. J.D. died sometime later that year.

History of Coshocton County
"J.D. Woodward was born in Linton township, February 21, 1873 . . ."
". . . acquired . . . education in the common schools and . . . reared under the parental roof."
"J.D. Woodward . . . was married July 31, 1903, the lady of his choice being Miss Bertha E. Amore, who was born in Coshocton county. Her parents still survive . . . Their marriage has been blessed with two children, Coral and Catherine."
"J.D. Woodward . . . give . . . political allegiance to the democratic party but have never been active in political life."

Coshocton Tribune
June 4, 1947
Probate Court
J.D. Woodward, Plainfield, was appointed in probate court Tuesday as administrator of the Bertha Woodward estate.
Children of Bertha Amore and J.D. Woodward:
- Corle Mildred Woodward b. 16 Mar. 1904 d. 25 Apr. 1972 m. 2 Feb. 1921 Hayden Peterson Roahrig b. 24 June 1902 d. 8 June 1968
- Catherine Belle Woodward b. Abt. 1908 d. Bef. 1972
Some information on Bertha and J.D. Woodward and family from Carol Van Auken
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