Mood: don't ask
Now Playing: nothing - quiet here - sort of!
Topic: home
So College Bound Daughter is fixin' to (that's Texas slang for getting ready to) paint her room. She's been preparing for this for a few months weeks now. Which is perfectly A-OK in my book - a very enterprising young woman, she is. Now we're down for the actual painting part - which basically means - furniture is either in her doorway, in the hall, pushed to the middle of her room, her bed is full of stuff that has no where else to go during this "remodeling", the spare bed is full of stuff & her bed right now is the living room couch. So every morning at 5 something when we are up, I know she'd rather be anywhere else but in the living room with all our clacking, clanging, swooshing, etc. going on. Not only that but the dog thinks - "I can start whining & barking at whatever is outdoors now" because we'll let her out. Doubtful the painting will be done anytime soon!
In the Land of TV news - or as I refer to it - what is NOT on because it's summer & I want to give all these "reality" show people a piece of my mind - I've been doing a lot of PBS watching. At least "History Detectives" is back on for another season. When I was in school, history was my least favorite subject - right up there with physical science & geometry. Names, dates, places - UGH! So of course it stands to reason that I am married to a history buff! Except - lo & behold - he makes it interesting to me! So over these 20+ years, I've begun to enjoy history. Tap into what I've learned through my genealogy hunt & I'm actually getting something out of it! Quite frequently on PBS Monday evenings is the "American Experience". Last night was John & Abigail Adams. Until last night I had very little knowledge about our 2nd President.
So it goes to show that you are (or should I say "I am") never too old to learn new information.